Arena Needs More Casuals

You can call it what you want, you don’t like that I refuse to cater to bad players who refuse to put effort into getting better at this game. That is a you issue.

This had nothing to do with that, I asked Kennie where something he said was ‘explicitly stated’ can be located. I literally don’t care if they make Glad so hard to get that AWC players struggle to get it, it means nothing to me.

Anyway gonna go make some chicken, try not to sprain your wrist lording over RSS Rivals, cool guy.

Yea you had an awful take, and I called it out. Then you got mad, typical back and forth between us.

I’ll believe that when I see you stop putting 0 effort and asking for handouts.

Sounds good, I’ll lord over meme bracket enjoyers to my hearts content!


I’ll put it on my list, right behind learning to play the accordion.

In case nobody else answered, it’s the “elite” bracket

I consider it a salient difference that keystone master and hero are not PvP titles. I don’t think they’re really pretending to be “competitive” as much as they are “cool”


He set the parameters, so I exposed the flaw in it. If ‘the name of the bracket being elite means Blizzard means for this to be incredibly difficult’ explained it, then it would apply to all content with names that are meant to imply difficulty–which I think we can all agree that KSM makes you a master of nothing. lol

But that’s not even the topic, that was just me mocking a dimwit for trying to give me a hard time. Kennie said something was explicitly stated, so I just asked him where. Which, it’s not that big of a deal–I was genuinely curious if Blizzard had ever made a statement about it.

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I don’t think that follows as broadly as all that, no
All PvP content, sure

Edit: to clarify, I fundamentally don’t think difficulty or competition are things that blizzard wants the massive majority of its player base that pves to think when they see achievements. The mean wow player that these are aimed at is not an accomplisher, they’re a collector. Competitive PvP is intrinsically not compatible with that framing, despite the best efforts of a lot of shuffle players

I agree with you. Frankly, I don’t think it’s enough of a money-maker for Blizzard to adjust the content where Billy No Defensives can tunnel to Glad in the first 3 weeks of every season, so they leave the benchmark high because the small, but dedicated following want to achieve some status. Where the majority of people who play the game grind keys, etc. so they have a vested interest in keeping them happy.

I would venture to say that if BGB doesn’t draw more of a crowd than returning players and some unrated BG players, that PVP has more or less seen the last of it’s major adjustments. So at this point it’s more or less take it or leave it.

Guys chill, that definitely isn’t Casual Energy :flushed:

low ratings should just be a steady gain to 2k or so, which would feed a bunch of casuals into the bracket

after that you can punish players with rating hellz where they hit their brick walls

this is just for entertainment, just let players have fun

This already exists until 1500-1850

to some degree, but there isn’t a huge cluster of active casuals in the middle like there is supposed to be

when a casual is stopped at 1400, rating is meaningless to them - when they know they can get to 2k, it becomes a fun journey of progression

They can get to 2k, though.

if that was true there wouldn’t be a shortage

A shortage of what, exactly? :dracthyr_a1: Healers?

Here’s the deal: I’m one of those average (or even below average) players you’re speaking about, and even I don’t think we should be getting Glad mounts and Glad titles.

If I ran out onto a Soccer field, kicked the ball out-of-bounds, and my loafer went flying further than the ball… bro, I don’t deserve a gold medal! That’s not a gold medal performance! I don’t get to join the championship team, I don’t get to be on the cover of Newsweek, but I do get to go home and find something else to do, and maybe discover that I actually excel at playing Chess or whatever.