Arena Needs More Casuals

im not an arena player. but i did some random games in legion with some mexican hunter who didnt even speak a word of english i met in LFG (i was DH)

we got to 1950 CR super easy. even at 1950 mmr we were fighting backpedaling players who had no idea what diminishing return is.

nowadays at 1600 u might fight a literal god. a literal blizzon tournament playing 55 time rank 1 freak who makes millions from playing this game.

this guy is cracked out of his mind, with 450000 hours of practice and 500mg of vyvanse in his systrem he films himself one-shotting people while only using 1 hand

its great, i love it. wouldnt have it any other way

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Woah calm it with the hard M buddy :flushed:

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broski didnt even speak a word of english but we had fun playing together lol


they removed the 50% extra xp gained from pvp bonuses on the Defending and Returning champion trinkets
that’s when i stopped levelling in pvp

Rated Blitz and Solo will have a lot of games played because of how easy it is to Q, there will be a lot of threads complaining about this or that in them (I mean a LOT).

And in the end, Arena’s will be fine.

Arenas are the highest form of PvP game play, skill-wise. There are good players in all aspects of PvP, but the best float to the top in Arenas.

Personally, I suggest y’all Q up for some random/epic bgs and get your casual on there. 'Cause those are super fun, rather relaxing and just basic WoW pvp.

But, if a player wants to actually find out how good they are, they can get a group, Q into Arenas and find out.

And in the end, it doesn’t even matttteeerrrrr :woman_singer:t2::woman_singer:t2:

Hehe, so true with video games.

I am playing ESO as a fishing simulator while WoW is down. Lovely game and I can catch some fish which sell well for some reason…/shrug. Back to WoW when it is up again.

Edit: I don’t much like fishing IRL, but in ESO, sure. How weird is that? Maybe the same thing can be said for PvP for most people lol!

I believe rank 1s and glad should stay the same especially the mount they could just go back to template’s so gearing isn’t as big of an issue but they would need to give control of the stats for the template to the player cuz they had those stats messed up on so many classes

I’m not sure, but I’m both a Keystone ‘Master’ and ‘Hero,’ and no one makes any fuss about either of those. So if we’re going that route, then like 50% of the active playerbase should get a glad drake every season to move in line with M+.

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Stop commenting then. I’ll give you a hint though it’s not called “Average”.

Ya man apples are different to oranges.

I saw that.

Figure I’ll do whatever I feel like. How’s that suit you?

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Repost what he said

Free country and all, it’s your choice to look stupid.

That is what I said.

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Says the guy whose getting furious on a video game forum because someone said ‘where does it say that?’ lmao


You assume alot, fury is not something any nerd online can get from me.

You’re confusing it with blunt.

You’ve been coming to this forum on a daily basis for years being arrogant every chance you get. There’s nothing special or interesting about you, you’re just some dude who is addicted to a video game but you act like you’re some important figure around here. lol

Nobody cares. Your btag is just as dead as mine, move on, or chill out or something.


Yea, I call out awful takes, your just emotional because you’re often the one who gets called out haha.


A guy with an imagination like yours could really put it to use building dirt forts for his G.I. Joes.