Arena Needs More Casuals

I miss the days of 1400 being fun and relaxing, now I just get farmed by R1s boosting their twitch streamers :pleading_face:


X for doubt


I lowkey find it kinda fun to fight the streamers and their viewers. Me and my friend are like 2-10 against Pikaboo, but have a 50% win record against Nahj lol. Gives me artificial confidence for going into real 3s hahaha

Pika got you too?

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You ain’t playing with R1 players sweetie.

I’m 2400 in solo shuffle


im not an arena guy. ive probably played less than 1000 arena rounds my entire life of playing wow.

but i remember back in legion i got to 1950 super super easy. as dh/bm hunter. my partner was some guy from mexico i think didnt even speak english

the people we fought at 1950 would basically backpedal the entire game.

nowadays i see people strafing at 1600, respecting cooldowns at 16600, waiting for DR at 1600 etc.

its a coimpletely different ballgame and its hard to gauage progress because unlike weightlifting 500 pounds=500 pounds… sometimes 1950cr=1500cr? idk… its just so wacky and inconsistent

Oh I’m not? Didn’t realize you had a log of all my games :roll_eyes:

No achiev, no invite.

I’m sure R1 players are keeping you in 1.4k cr, I take everything I said back!

good luck getting new players to sub to this game. have u seen the state of low level pvp?

resto shammies r going 80-0 1 shotting every1 in sight. this garbage gameplay they see is what they think the endgame is like, so nobody ever sticks around or subs

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Its bait! Don’t fall for it.

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Thanks brother, noted. I’m outa here!


I’m bait? He’s the level 10 troll :roll_eyes:


I thought his name was Garmuck.

no joke i ran into whazz at 1500mmr the other day in 2s lol was a great “learning” experience as the match lasted like 2 seconds . RIP LFG healer

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Wow thanks for outing me :neutral_face:

I cant really imagine being a casual at this point. Takes hours per day to be remotely competitive and pvp specifically requires an amalgamation of 15 years of knowledge, that in a year will change a lot.

Very similar to league. I tried to get into that last year and i just didnt see it as worth it to try and grind my way through all the knowledge i would need.


That’s why I just stick to FOTM classes

The CC and mobility of rogues, mages and druids push casuals out.


there are no more casuals
only the true believers are left
the rat leagues are dead