Arena Needs More Casuals

PVP already caters to casuals. Just spam your m+ rotation and you’re a PVPer now.


I feel like there aren’t a lot of threatening mages in casual brackets. Those are usually dominated by zugzugs

It’s just the constant CCs to me, I can’t imagine a new player going in as a healer it would be demoralizing

Hmm? Gearing is quick and it’s not like having played 12 years ago is really helpful now.

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Why dont just making rating factor in at 1800+ if you lose until then it doesn’t effect rating, or have a lesser effect at 1600-1800. Imo that would solve quite a bit of problems, we,'d get casuals just wanting the mog and most srs arena guys know that the fun starts at 1800+ even later 2100+.

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All they’ve done is make rewards easier and more accessible idk if that’s the solution

If anything there needs to be more higher incentives that aren’t glad because there’s just too much of a rift between some reward breakpoints

I think arena is just non-casual by nature. It’s a continuation of dueling, which was only done by most dedicated PvPers traditionally. Most people play WoW for wall on wall no strings attached action. I think rated Blitz is going to demonstrate that quite clearly.

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This is what you get when pvp doesn’t provide significant rewards. The main base of new pvp players has always been from pve, these guys are only interested in high-quality equipment.
Soloq pushes away new players with its chaos and speed, 2x2 does not have enough players due to Soloq, only p1 remains, which knocks out all the desire to play.
They will make significant rewards for rating, you will come here whining about how hard it is to get, but before there were more people playing, so your whining is killing pvp.

If you want more casuals to play arena, start inviting them to play with you.
There are plenty of casuals in LFG that you can play with, but you don’t want to play with them. You want to play against them.

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30% of the casuals are MM hunters, they will join x3 arena or solo shuffle for the first time in order to fight against melees with shimmer and never return. Is better to have fun Snipershotting people in non rated BGS

Years of networking, years of achievements from easier seasons propping up your LFG status, and years of learning to understand the finer points of the game that isn’t readily apparent.


Some of the things he says are really out of touch.

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CR is king

Years of good fundamentals or bad habits it goes both ways

There are plenty of people who’ve played for years and it hasn’t done them much good, and people who’ve started in recent seasons or expansions who are doing quite well


Ive learned so many things this xpac, although they are minor in the vast amounts of knowledge that is needed to compete in this game.

Really, I see evidence to the contrary, but maybe I’m missing critical information

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I don’t think casual players such as myself really care about glad since they’ll never get it anyways.

Putting something like that so out of reach doesn’t really attract players to do 3v3 arena. They have to have participation rewards for casuals to come

They should just add glad mount to shuffle.

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The mode wouldn’t benefit from another such incentive and the mount doesn’t need to be further devalued.

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It’s already been devalued. Any ret/warrior can spam queue 1000 games to get it.

Apparently not considering how few people get it.