Arena Needs More Casuals

I don’t think a few thousand people is few. Put it in shuffle and give the average player a chance to get it.


It’s very explicitly not for average players.


I feel like legend could use something like a special mount of its own.

There’s really no point in pushing past elite if you can’t get r1, since legend title is the only reward and I can’t be asked to win 100 games (if I even get 2400 first lol).

Where is that stated?


How do you devalue something that isn’t that valuable in the first place?

I really don’t think we should support such an old system. The game is much different than it was 15 years ago so the gladiator mount should be revisited.

Also only giving permanent titles to rank 1 players is a bit silly too. I’ve earned those titles

Honestly with rated solo queue bgs next expansion I have a hard time believing arena has any future at this point.


Evokers and DHs are the main issue.

Delete them.

I think focus on top-end prestige rewards is misplaced when talking about what would bring in more casuals. Gearing feeling like it carried benefits from one to the other mode was the biggest gateway to getting casuals into PvP in the past. That gateway has more or less been shut for a long time. There are casual players who still flow in of course, but probably only at a trickle.

The average player today sees PvE gearing and PvP gearing as being in competition with each other for their time. They aren’t alternative methods to get to the same goal, they’re alternative goals altogether.

I know there are reasons for that, but any approach has costs and benefits that have to be weighed. Blizzard should probably re-examine how they weighed the costs and benefits of the decision to separate PvP and PvE gearing so thoroughly. I’m not sure the benefits of the current approach outweigh the costs.


You are wrong, after the streamers’ PR you will scream in hysterics at the sight of your 7 pugs playing.

Whenever i tell my friends with whom i run keys if they want to try out pvp, they sound excited at first then when i tell them they have to grind out a whole new set of gear they just give up before even trying.

That separation they did of pvp and pve gear has some pros and also has some strong cons of alienating the two player bases. One idea would be they make all hero/mythic path pve gear convert to max/almost max arena level. pve trinkets are still out due to the pvp trinket set bonus.

They would have to remake the whole system to do this. Plus only way PvP players get BiS stats on gear is through crafting. What you’re suggesting would give a huge advantage to people that PvP and PvE. Not like it would affect me at all but people higher up on the ladder would complain

I mean, i think every aspect of the game would benefit from more fresh blood. But i think that ship sailed in like 2010 or something when they overhauled leveling for the 2nd or 3rd time and focused on endgame only.

I think the leveling community being there to welcome and foster new players was the main retaining factor and its been kinda lost to the grind. This jsnt wow specific either. Its the fate of most Mmorpgs. The people who really really like the game stick around and the casuals take the hint and leave.

Its not always about things being easy. They need to be engaging

Ok, i agree it would need some reword, but how about in the meantime they make Champion+ PVE autoscale in pvp to the equivalent of honor vendor gear (not conquest).
This saves them the honor grind at least and though its inferior gear they can at least play the game.

I kinda feel like they should take what happens with blitz and apply it to everything.

Scale any and all gear to just below honor level. Then you can grind out some conquest/honor gear as you play. Makes hopping into PvP not feel soooo bad. Like mid to late season when everyone is full conquest it will still kinda suck. Still hopping into PvP mid/late season with a new DPS toon is pretty unfun unless you have some friends to carry you.

This might be a scuffed take but I really enjoyed when PVEers had an incentive to PVP just as we sometimes feel we have to PVE. With so many people playing w/ low xp it makes it super fun

there isn’t a whole new set tho if u pve. ilvl is the winner.

with jazz hands harhar

You would still need a credit card to get it.

It’s own completely different mount would be good.

What is the rating bracket called that is required to earn glad wins again?

You’re wrong.

Also wrong.


Having to grind 2400 in RSS AND 3v3 is not the solution my guy :man_zombie:

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