“It will surely work this time!! It’s just that nobody has done it right yet!”
You might as well hand an altoholic another playable class.
There’s plenty of opportunity to form a group and go to the STV arena to have a “zero reward, low priority” arena experience. But the reality is the pro arena circuit doesn’t care about the arena experience, and they only want the arena reward structure.
It’s a downright guarantee that the instant any form of reward is extrapolated from that, the depth of playable class designs get flattened for ease if balancing around it too. Instead of feigning support for a bad implementation, it would be better to be vocally against it and advocate a better solution, such as group dueling. Then, as many other have suggested, Azeroth becomes their arena for no reward or balance, simple community-driven PvP experiences.
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A friend of mine really wants arena, and probably won’t play if it’s not implemented.
Well, maybe SoD isn’t for them. Keep things like Arena out – you want PvP, then play the world PvP.
Good luck, people just say it “ruined PvP” with some shoddy reasoning.
I don’t care if your friend plays
Yeah, I’m really looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Getting an organized 10 man group together to face another 10 man group, where you have a rating system that uses MMR, that actually doesn’t exist.
Because you’re giving arbitrary rules… you get your PvP ranking in BGs in Vanilla (or wpvp for that matter). There is no unranked mode.
The funny (ironic) thing is that Retail is getting solo-queue RBGs, which means it has come full circle in appeasing the complainers.
I think you don’t know what rated bgs are, idk what you’re arguing about. I’m just saying rated bg’s make more sense than arena in vanilla
We may have different levels of understanding as to what this means, sure…
My point is that in Retail, RBGs are what you have to do for the best PVP gear. Which you already get in BGs in Vanilla.
You can premade BGs, but it seems like some people complain about this and in future expansions they separate BGs from rated PvP (Arenas, then later add Rated BGs). It is absolutely ironic that they then add solo queue rated BGs, which brings us right back to where we are in Vanilla, but with two leagues, for no real reason…
Anyway, Arenas might be a fun game mode, and it would be good if it was relatively decent HPH, and gave title or mount or tabard or other cosmetic awards, imo.
Arena on its own isn’t a problem but designing the pvp gear system around it was, especially given how classes work in this era of the game it would have to be completely optional and not mandatory for gearing.
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Most people don’t want arena in Classic because Esports have a tendency to corrupt the RPG nature of the game, by causing designers to have to cater to the whims of top tier players, and for the sake of ‘balance,’ they therby start desiging abilities with dual natures to the degree that those abilities dilute, bloat, homogenize, and polute the spell pool. Long story short, it’s bad for the game, and actively harms it. Greg Street knew this, and talked about his regrets regarding the system many times over the years.
I feel like rated bgs are better suited for classic rated pvp imo. Mainly due to how classes play and how different all classes are.
There are downsides to having too much rated arena like arena 2s,3s then also having rbgs as the ladder gets thinned out
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Lol all the low rated rats that can’t get their head above water hating on arena in this thread is hilarious. You guys hate it because you are terrible at the game, just fyi. Kudos to anyone who answered OP earnestly & not just spazzed cause arena was mentioned which triggered your 1k lifetime PR PTSD.
Well with Ashenvale, and today’s announced likely STV PvP zone, there will be plenty of world pvp to go around and prowess to be displayed.
I want LESS Battlegrounds and instanced PvP, not more. MORE World PvP Events, not less. And anyone who played Classic at release knows that as soon as BGs were released, World PvP died. So I vote NO, for Arenas and YES for more World PvP events and interaction. Factions should be waring on the World Map, not in an instance.
Literally zero reason not to. Except people like you who are afraid of the CR number
But there are BG’s in this release so by that logic doesn’t it mean world pvp is already DOA?