Arena dead, future of WoW PvP is in game modes like Plunderstorm

with how popular Plunderstorm has been across the entirety of the WoW fanbase, PvP and PvE players, it’s obvious Arena is dead. This plunderstorm creator event is prolly going to have at least double if not triple the views of recent AwCs. I’d bet my house Blizzard just decides “this is what the people want” and devote the next 3 expansions PvP resources to game modes like this leaving BGs/Arena to die.

Legion was popular and they spent the next 2 expansions doing borrowed power systems thinking that’s what made it good (not the lore, class specific stuff, content) so obviously their take on this FOMO mode blowing up is we all think its the best thing since sliced bread and will focus on it as the future of WoW PvP.

This is like saying overwatch is the future of wow.

Plunder storm is a completely separate game. It’s not wow.


No, it isn’t. It’s basically another game using some wow assets.


You’ve been under a rock?

Fortnite came out in 2017. This is just Fortnite with a wow skin for the cool cool price of $14.99/month.


Clarification. this is Spellbreak with a wow skin


Blizz arriving to the market over half a decade late as usual. :dracthyr_tea:


If they took the class/ spec dynamic of WoW with like 5-8 abilities tops into a BR, I would never log into WoW again


Next up ESport

repeat after me

arena never dies
arena never dies
arena never dies


In their defense, that’s basically worked for every successful IP they’ve pushed. Take something that’s proven to work, polish it and make it accessible.

I just don’t think it works as well these days when there’s so much more competition than they had like 20 years ago.

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Plunder is also not a serious attempt at it, I feel confident to say


Maybe you haven’t noticed the posts with hundreds of upvotes calling it a failure only worth the fomo cosmetic rewards?


OMG I wish it was more like spellbreak I played that so hard

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I won’t be playing pluderstorm it’s not PvP and it’s not WOW you aren’t even your character or use spells from the game. What will really matter is the retention rate after the transmogs have been farmed.


I’m not knocking it even though I easily could but it just doesn’t interest me.

its the end of the world of wacraft (for real this time): version 228

People that enjoy things have better things to do than sit in an echo chamber and cry about how bad things they dont like are. Ever notice the forums are an incredibly small percent of the total playerbase?

So what are you doing here? Should your opinion be disregarded because what people say on the forums doesn’t matter? Are you just a crybaby who doesn’t enjoy things?

The official forums, and other public forums like Reddit, and the only way we can tell what players are thinking.

It’s not like Blizz is sending everyone a Plunderstorm reaction survey

You can’t just go off Plunderstorm participation when some of those people are just playing for the cosmetic rewards and even suiciding into the storm after doing the dubloon quest.

Is it really popular?

Well Blizzard bought the people that made spell break after the game flopped and used them to make this game so. Hopefully it winds up looking similar.