Arena dead, future of WoW PvP is in game modes like Plunderstorm

This game is not new.
Plunderstorm is Spellbreak re-skinned with WoW theme.
Watch this old gameplay trailer. You can see that they are very very similar.
This video is 3 years old.

That game was crated by a studio called Proletariat which was bought by ABK prior to Dragonflight development. They shut down the project in favor of Dragonflight development efforts.

I think it’s kinda cool that they revived that project as a lot of people enjoyed the game and were looking forward to playing it. Now they can.

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Smacks lips* darn

People lurk here way more than you think. Noone wants to talk on the forums lmao but they sure do love watching it. I can tell cause nearly every shuffle has a dude shocked its me in there and i know they dont post here cause the same 3 people post here lol

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Its not. People have to hate farm it for transmogs and a mount.

Literally if it had 0 rewards it wouldve been dead on launch


Actually true

Gameplay honestly didn’t feel terrible but lag affects the combat way more than it should which made for some incredibly tilting fights

Idk…The pve side of the game is fine but the pvp side of things is just bad.

Half the time I logon now there are only like 5 options in lfg.

I logon update everything spend two minutes in q…Then…I shutdown wow and go play Pokemon Go

Arena might be dead. But the 8v8 battleground blitz queues are actually pretty quick. If they make that solo queue and make the rewards not obnoxious to get, it will be pretty popular because people hate finding groups for things.


Tbh, I’m not a huge fan of battle royal style games. But I think it could be an easy and fun extra mode to have. Teams of 3-5, pvping and zone closing, around 60-100 players. :person_shrugging:. Could use an existing map easily like they did with plunder… Maybe some power ups around the map or something.

No thanks.

first game of the day btw


lmao even

Are you saying it’s not or

i really feel like 80% of the people playing plunderstorm are for the external rewards, and a good remainder of the players will get bored of it after a while, and those remaining players will wither down in a slowly dwindling queue

but that’s just my theory, since it’s limited time it probably won’t progress to that point

I’ll be honest though plunderstorm got me to play retail and classic again sort of, so the scheme worked on me

Thinking about it honestly, I think blizzards scheme was to attract the younger people by offering a br with a wow skin but what I really think this accomplished was convince wow players who didn’t want to play brs that they’re a lot of fun

Wait until you hear about why most people do any form of content

I feel like there’s at least a little bit of intrinsic motivation behind players at the core of doing things in the game. pvpers enjoy pvp even though we hate it sometimes, pvers enjoy slaying dragons and raid progression even though they hate it sometimes.

I feel like most players want to get renown 40 and forget plunderstorm ever existed

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i’d say the majority of people probably do feel this way, ye

WoW is a weird game in that sense imo because the most fun i’ve ever had in the game is doing incredibly chill content like pet battles or working toward a meta achievement/mount/title

currently going back and finishing up what i still need to for the DF world meta then gonna go back and do the 2 things i ran outta time for to complete the SL meta. i get to feel like i’m accomplishing something without dealing with the nonsensical stress associated with things like SS

i am excited for BGB next expansion, though

I enjoy wow pvp the bgs world pvp arena and solo shuffle are dope. Plunderstorm was cool but not really my thing. As long as wow has pvp people will play it.

Yeah tbh with plunderstorm i think the low barrier of entry combined with the fact anyone with an active sub can play, has possibly artificially inflated its popularity

Yea I personally do a good deal of BG Blitz and mainly because you get 2 good healers. Not always, but my experience has had some banger healers in there :nail_care:

The idea that Plunderstorm would replace WoW PVP sounds insane.

I don’t even PVP much and each round of Plunderstorm had me feeling “this is not as much fun as arena”

Its going to appeal to a different group of people, or be fun seasonal content. Thats fine.


I mean i was pooping , idk any other reason people would come on here besides wanting thier own opinion stoked or pooping .

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