So im done with this long que times, so where should i transfer too? and are any guilds looking for people?
Choose wisely because you only can transfer to “new players” server.
Check out KJ and Tichondrius if horde. You can roll a trial toon on each to see how it is.
which one is KJ?
That’s lame. The blue post didn’t tell people that.
I don’t think that’s right. You can transfer to any server that isn’t High/Full I believe.
is there free transfers of area 52? cause 2h every log in and not getting to log on at launch for 12h was bs
yes area 52 has free trasnfers OFF
Kil’jaeden. Actually, I think KJ and Tich are crossrealmed together because I see a lot of people from Tich on.
It’s a good server, not high pop either. Had to be crossed/merged with 2 other realms, maybe more.
dose anyone know how long u lose ur toon for days a week?
i’ll just transfer my character from area 52 to drakkari…
english players are very mean with spanish players…
it’s better to be in a small and peaceful server.
It varies. A lot of information on the other thread about that.
I’ve only transferred once, a long time ago and it took a day or so to have the transfer go through, then it was right away so I didn’t lose any of my toons that I transferred.
It’ll probably take longer for them to process transfers now because of how many want to transfer, though. A few days. Til then I think you can continue to play.
Some are saying only took a few hours
Yeah, there’s no set time but toons aren’t missing/lost when you transfer which is what I think the poster was asking.
That’s just incorrect. The only realms not available to transfer to are thrall, malganis, tichondrius, illidan, stormrage, and frostmourne. All other realms are available.
Also looking to transfer, I was 4566 in que. I do not know where to go either. I’m afraid to go look on game because it took over two hours to even get on.
ditto ill look in morning when there are no que times
Better to try now because the free transfer can disappear any time. Might be gone after maintenance.
Same. I’ll come back with any info I get