[Area 52] <Bro Union> 8/8M NP looking for more

Bro Union
We are a semi-hardcore team with a 2 day raid week with a completely optional heroic night. We are a CE focused guild and we also place a high value on the community atmosphere of our raid.

Sanctum of Domination - US 616
Sepulcher - US 426
Vault - US 400
Aberrus - US 321
ATDH - US 307
NP - US 418

Dps - Shaman
Dps - Evoker
Dps - DH
Dps - DK
Dps - Mage
Dps - Hunter

Heals - Priest
Heals - Paladin
Heals - Monk

Any Exceptional player can reach out!

Raid Times:
9:00 - 12:00 EST Wed/Thu (Main Raid Nights)
9:00 - 12:00 EST Tues (Optional Heroic Raid)

What we expect from our raiders:
-Be online and active and notify the guild in advance of planned absences/tardiness from raid
-Have awareness of mechanics and the raid in general
-Able to take constructive criticism
-Every spot in the raid will be earned and there will be no favoritism/nepotism even from people in positions of rank from the guild
-Be prepared for being swapped in/out of fights when needed to maintain roster readiness
-Having a positive attitude during and outside of progression

We require use of Discord and recommend Method Raid Tools, DBM/BigWigs, and WeakAuras

To Apply please contact us via Btag or Discord if you have questions:
Zailine#1487 (Discord: Zailine#6158)
Kalrio#1348 (Discord: Kalrio#5561)
Kali#12726 (Discord: Kalisis)

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Still looking for some potential applicants for this week!

Now looking for a warlock!

and now updated for TWW!

Added. Good raid times, great server. Def interested.

Still looking for a Warrior, DH, Mage and Warlock for S4 and TWW

Would love some new friends!

Canadians need not apply

If you are interested please reach out on discord! Good luck recruiting as well Multi Class raider LF CE Guild/Family

Now looking for a Holy Paladin

Bonus points if you dont heal hunters

Still looking for a Holy Paladin and now a Warlock for TWW!

Come raid with us!

Looking for some exceptional raiders. Please reach out!

Come smack some spiders (and a purple lady) with us!

Looking for a mage/warlock/dev!

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looking for some warlock/rogue/shaman dps!

Looking for some more dps/heals going into the next tier!

Bumperoni and cheese