Bro Union
We are a semi-hardcore team with a 2 day raid week with a completely optional heroic night. We are a CE focused guild and we also place a high value on the community atmosphere of our raid.
Sanctum of Domination - US 616
Sepulcher - US 426
Vault - US 400
Aberrus - US 321
ATDH - US 307
NP - US 418
Dps - Shaman
Dps - Evoker
Dps - DH
Dps - DK
Dps - Mage
Dps - Hunter
Heals - Priest
Heals - Paladin
Heals - Monk
Any Exceptional player can reach out!
Raid Times:
9:00 - 12:00 EST Wed/Thu (Main Raid Nights)
9:00 - 12:00 EST Tues (Optional Heroic Raid)
What we expect from our raiders:
-Be online and active and notify the guild in advance of planned absences/tardiness from raid
-Have awareness of mechanics and the raid in general
-Able to take constructive criticism
-Every spot in the raid will be earned and there will be no favoritism/nepotism even from people in positions of rank from the guild
-Be prepared for being swapped in/out of fights when needed to maintain roster readiness
-Having a positive attitude during and outside of progression
We require use of Discord and recommend Method Raid Tools, DBM/BigWigs, and WeakAuras
To Apply please contact us via Btag or Discord if you have questions:
Zailine#1487 (Discord: Zailine#6158)
Kalrio#1348 (Discord: Kalrio#5561)
Kali#12726 (Discord: Kalisis)