Are you stoked for the patch tomorrow

I am.

I am stoked for dragon riding everywhere. Also, Outland Cup starts on the 18th I think? With another tint of that dope dragon riding mog I still don’t have. I have not really challenged myself with dragon riding races but intend to complete the achievements for it by end of expansion.

Also stoked for Covenant ability graphical updates to be more thematic with my toons. In particular, the Bastion Spear for my warrior (which I don’t use that ability) and Faeline stomp for my monk will be in line with the aesthetic and theme I chose for my toons. These changes are not for everyone, but I feel like this update is specifically for me because I have asked about it in the past.

Also there’s a questline for Gilneas I’m looking forward to.

I don’t know all what’s gonna be involved, but the Azerothian Archives thing looks neat. A weekly event, is that gonna be like the new Dreamsurge or something? There’s mogs I want from this upcoming event. I’m going to try to ignore the lack of Archeology content while I do this part of the game.

I work all day tomorrow so I will barely have to deal with Tuesday downtime. Keep that in mind folks-- it’s already intended to be a lengthy downtime and will probably be longer.


I’m glad to be able to fly like a dragon, but upset lazy Blizz only did it at the end of the expansion?


I am excited for the FORUMS tomorrow!



Oh ho ho, me too ~

OMG YES and this too! I’ve been gearing my Evoker because now that they are improving their soar ability, I actually want to play it more. Should have been this way from the very start, no doubt.


Not really. I don’t want more busywork masquerading as content. Plus I don’t care about worgen and their city can stay an occupied and/or a derelict mess for all I care.


Even though I don’t play a dracthyr, I have to admit I was quite surprised that they didn’t give them dynamic flying right off from the start.

I’m happy they finally added it.


Can I ask what constitutes busy work for you in game, and what doesn’t?

If I am having fun, it isn’t busy work to me. And at the same time, it is all busy work to me.

Going to be a lot of fun with everyone complaining about the down time, I’m going to bring my popcorn personally


I’m ready for forum craziness and dragonriding in the old world zones. I stocked up on popcorn so I can read the forums. Best form of entertainment a lot of times.

Only thing im even moderatly looking forward to. /shrug

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Nope, nothing being added for me :frowning:

Only thing i’m hoping for is conquest boxes/spoils of war and cap removal

If the new archives thing gives easy heroic tier mog from catalyst i might look into it

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If it isn’t leading to meaningful account and/or player progression, it is busywork.

Like adding that dumb furblog language crap. I’ll eventually be bored and compelled enough to do it because I’m an accomplished person and not doing stuff will eventually bug me, but I don’t “want” to do it because it’s otherwise pointless.

Just like whatever nonsense is waiting in Gilneas. It will be no doubt ultra low skill and tedious/boring content that because it exists will compel me enough eventually to do it.

Aw bummer. :frowning:

What about the next season? The Fated one?

He about some tuning. That would be exciting

The only positive is getting a usable tier set from season 2 winning, but meh

Record low participation in pvp + short season will make it as disappointing as sl season 4 xd

What i’m looking forward to is hero talents + rated blitz in war within though, thats mega exiting to me


  1. Get some mogs out of the archives
  2. Test and practice some keybinds in follower dungeons
  3. Fly in the old world and see how that affects mining/herbing (especially in legion, made 20k gold off leystone in like 90 minutes.)
  4. See what the Gilneas campaign is
  5. Explore the new Night Elf town on my dr00d

Yeah, lots to do this week.

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The other day I went to get my nails done and the Furbolg who was my nail tech began talking trash about my hair right to my face. Little did that son of a bear know, I could speak her language. I let her continue to talk her mess and she finished my nails. I told her in her own tongue “How are you gonna talk about my hair when your tracks are showing? At least my hair is MINE! No tips for :poop: talkers!” and I did not pay and I did not tip and I left her stunned, jaw to the floor, as I walked away with my new acrylics giving her the full bird. :nail_care:

That, to me, was character progression.

In all seriousness: Fair point. Different kinds of goals. That side quest stuff is more meaningful to me than your version of player progression. I like that kind of stuff. Lucky for you, I think you can grind out that Furbolg stuff in a few hours, so it shouldn’t be TOO bad when you finally get around to it.

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That’s sad to hear (about the participation)

I had intended to try to do solo shuffle on a toon or two this expansion, but that quickly got put on the shelf since I started leveling too many alts instead.

I would really like to get a rare super epic PvP set for one of my toons before my WoW “career” is over. Maybe next expansion.

Hopefully this upcoming season goes by quick.