Are you stoked for the patch tomorrow

I was excited…

But I’m kinda realizing that WoW isn’t really much of an RPG… and the MMO aspect of it is kind of completely ruined by gear scaling.

I don’t get that “Awe” I used to get when I’d see someone running around in Tier 2/3.
It’s more like I’m hanging out playing the game, vibin’ and then some other person comes in at mach 10, consumes everything instantly and flies off. Like we’re playing totally different games – and their presence has only impacted my gameplay negatively. Cause now I gotta wait around more, and they made my character seem lame.

Then I feel like I’m just wasting my time, and that I’d rather be playing a single player RPG where I can make a character that is actually really specialized for a certain playstyle with their own pros/cons that actually have a major impact on how I play the game.

Maybe I’ll replay Elden Ring or Skyrim again.

Oh, Palworld is going EA on the 19th this month… that game looks hilarious I might play that instead.

I think this is one of those moments where I realize I’m getting old, and no longer the target audience for what I think an MMORPG should be. Big sigh. Oh well.

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Gonna be playoff quality posts for sure.

Patch day is always exciting. This one is really adding a lot of neat stuff. I’m especially hyped for follower dungeons.

Looking forward to dragonriding everywhere and weekly catalyst charges

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Dragonriding everywhere is cool. Visual updates are nice, I like the mage ones.

I’ll check out the Gilneas and Bel’Air but depending on RP idk that I’ll go there much. I guess neither function well as cities, so I’ve seen here. I didn’t do the other Racing Cups. Maybe I’ll do this one. Maybe I wont.

Archives is probs ketchup gear so that’s a hard pass unless there is an interesting mog I’d need right now (unlikely with the magical girl mogs coming up). Follower dungeons are useless to me. I don’t play any of the classes or races getting any new customization or functional changes.

Regardless, I’m stoked for those who are stoked. Non-seasonal updates usually aren’t for me and I understand that.

The AI follower dungeons will add some play time for me… looking forward to them.

Don’t really visit the old world much so the dragon riding will probably only be useful during the various cup races.

I have a couple of toons I am gonna play around in those AI dungeons maybe once or twice but other than that I’ll probably be done. Very stoked they are adding that and hope they lift the restrictions soon. That way if someone wants to do AI dungeons alllll day, they can.

I’m stoked to be start placing campfires in Bel’ameth.

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First thing I’ll likely do is the Gilneas quests, I’m hoping this leads to the city eventually being semi revamped/cleaned up and useful like Boralus, with working shops etc all over the place.
Looking forward to dragon riding in old zones, should be a lot of fun just logging on with an alt in certain areas and just zipping around.
I’ll see what new mounts I can work towards and get on that.
I’ll also try the new dungeons with npcs…hopefully it’s enjoyable enough for me, at least to finish up some mogs I want.

I think that’s about it…then I’ll get back to slowly leveling some alts when I’m done everything I want to do.

I probably wont even login :person_shrugging:

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::cracks knuckles::

Me too!

Tbh the Furbolg stuff was pretty good, basically an hour or so of “old style” gateless grind and you unlock cross faction communication between anyone else who has done it

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Tomorrow is today, son! It’s today.

I’m Stoked to play my freshly level’d 70 Monk. You forum folks who unwittingly talked me into monk better not let me down.

That’s true! Tomorrow is indeed today

I’m sure some people won’t play the new patch til tomorrow anyway lol

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I need to go read some patch notes, me thinks.

/10 chars

questline for Gilneas I’m looking forward to., and the dracthyr full flying !!!

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Pre-patch for SoD?.. maybe and I’d like to see the runes take on a whole new meaning and location.

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I’m excited for this as well, even if I don’t play one.

I’m right with you! I’ll bring a huge tub of popcorn as long as you bring the soda!

:cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat2: :cat:

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