Are you ready Warlocks?

I think Affliction needs to be top spec again, lets face it, its what a warlock should be imho

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Whatever it is I’m just happy Meatball my forever Gnolls buddy got his well deserved model update :slight_smile:

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I want more chaos bolts.

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If they don’t give me Absolute Corruption back I will END MY SUBSCRIPTION*

*I won’t, this was supposed to be a joke. And I wanted to put something more extreme but the forums are sensitive these days.

As long as DH exist, meta will never return to warlocks. Besides, I think Blizzard is happy with demonology being more demon centric.

dude, they already gave the warrior fury an effect that is metamorphic but better, they just don’t transform, but mechanically it’s metamorphosis 2.0

Warrior fury is the new Havoc XD

I don’t expect to get what I want, but it would be nice to get back the permanent Infernal and Doomguard for Demonology (if not all specs again).



Thats a demon hunter ability now. Deal with it.

I really hope Arc 3.0 makes warlocks great this season. Chaos Reach is a ton of fun but the rest of the kit . . . oh wait . . . wrong game. Sorry.

tell that to whoever created the “Reckless Abandon” :man_shrugging:

O sweet our locks are putting down well of lights to heal in raid now!

Only worried that Dot’s will be even more pointless as Afflic.

While I don’t play my warlocks very often, I do have fun with them.

Here is my very serious “I wish I’d see this cause it would be cool” talent: metamorphosis back with a talent option to have it permanent.

Now here me out. It would work similar to Lonely Winter where you sacrifice your demon to give yourself a buff similar to the old version. After that you’ll have a linked talent or one at the bottom of the tree that will buff the duration of it to permanent unless you summon another demon. The buffs could range from extra fire balls from blasting out with each spell cast, extra armor and threat, to better CC and anti-CC capabilities.

Just sounds cool, but you’d loose out on the demons and potentially could loose out on DPS.

Demon hunters?

Please don’t ruin demo. Please don’t ruin demo. Please don’t ruin demo

Just don’t bring back mop demo.

I really hope they dont bring stacking UA back.

Pandaren Warlocks.

That’s it.

I have zero interest in any other aspect of Warlock, even though it’s my favorite class.

Because until I can specifically be a Pandaren Warlock, I cannot live my truth.

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I have a lot of fun with Demo in solo content. It’s fun how chaotic it can feel sometimes.

I want Metamorphosis back already