Are you race changing to a Zandalari troll?

If you are race changing to a Zandalari post here on the toon you are switching.

I am curious to which toons we will see fewer of once they are released.

As soon as possible mon!


I’ve saved a Paladin spot on my server so I can roll a Zandalari Paladin. :slight_smile:

Still waiting patiently, since release. /moo

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No,already have a troll.

Slightly different looking trolls in a world where half the population is trolls… yeah that sounds so interesting and unique.

I’m planning on leveling a druid (along with probably half of player Zandalari) but I’m not planning on race changing any of my current characters.

I’m not race changing but the moment they come out My new Main will be a Zandalari Paladin. I have been waiting since wrath for this and it’s finally here… I am almost frothing at the mouth waiting this long but it will be worth it for Trolladins.

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I will make something new, but not race changing.

One less blood elf and one more troll.

This is my future zandalari prelate!


Nah, I’ll make a new character since their heritage armor is pretty cool and leveling has been sped up.


nah. i couldnt make cow jokes if i werent a cow. vane is staying a plain ol’ original mulgore tauren. :yum:

not race changing my pally either and since it will be dark times indeed when i respec him outta holy, i’ll just go ahead and make me a new zanda pally. probably wont race change my monk from darkspear or my hunter er… or my shaman since fem zanda arent a big enough difference from fem darkspear. good lord i have a lot of trolls @_@

No Trolls are Trolls and still ugly I am staying Blood elf cuz we are pretty and best looking race Azeroth has ever seen.

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No plans on race changing, but definitely going to roll a paladin and strongly considering a shaman as well despite my disappointment of how they function these days.

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Its a shame people are going to stop being good looking Blood elfs to main ugly Trolls… What is so special about Zandalari other then OP racials that will be nerfed quite fast by Blizzard ?

I have always loved trolls just hate their big toes… But I’m doing, yet, another Druid.


If all the Horde races could be pally, you would see a LOT less Befls. It’s the class restrictions that artificially inflate specific races. I’d have done goblin, for sure, it would be hilarious.


^ is an undead Human


Always wanted a prelate from mists of pandaria dream come true soon!

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GOnna race change my Troll cause I love the new Druid Forms.

I’m happy you people who like trolls get objectively superior trolls to play :slight_smile: Zandalar forever!