Are you race changing to a Zandalari troll?

Honestly this is part of why I’ve been enjoying Gnome so much - but I have been seeing a lot more gnomes than normal lately. Mechagon hype? :hammer_and_wrench:

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I would never seap Carissaria to the Horde!

That would be atrocious!!

I will, however, make a ZT druid and level one, but Carissaria stays where she is at!

Race change… no. I will be leveling one for the heritage armor.

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Nobody wants to play big-boned humans?

Shocked I am! Shocked I say ! Shocked!

Race changing this monk (my main), and then leveling up either a priest or shaman for the heritage armor.

I don’t care what the racial options are. Jani will be my patron loa at heart.

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