who else is wary of dps warriors who ‘tank with a shield’ but can’t hold threat?
Not as wary as those hunters that just spam multi-shot with no awareness.
Everyone has FOMO and seeking the shortest route to their so-called victory. I was a dual-wielding Prot back in OG and it worked fine, plenty of space on your bars to put your weapons…
@Belkira - Facts as well. But you assumed that the OP was such. tsk tsk
I guess it depends on what the group is doing, how many mobs being pulled, etc…
Like what’s the situation? Is it a 5 mob pull where the dps is each hitting a different target, and the healer is spam healing everyone and pulling healing aggro in addition?
And is the tank even able to get out of combat long enough to charge or is he sitting with zero rage while the hunter and mage are chain pulling from different directions and complaining that the tank isn’t holding aggro?
It’s the prot ones who can’t hold threat my man. They can’t even hold threat off of heals in pack of 4.
It’s real fun charging into a pack with multishot firing off mid charge. Or LoS pulls getting nuked before rounding the corner.
I’m not saying this of you per se, but of people generally it seems, here in 2025; they have no understanding of what threat and aggro are. IMHO if groups understood that “Classic” and “Retail” are vastly different beasts in this regard, most of these issues (and posts!) would evaporate.
I made a warrior i wanna level as prot , but i wanna finish leveling my shaman as resto first .
Why do we keep getting posts from dad gamers who tank with a shield in classic wow lol. You tank dungeons w/ 2h, you tank raids fury prot DW spec. Stop making these posts. Game is solved.
It’s casual players. I’m sure we were all in a point of denial about the state of dungeon tanking where sword/board and prot sounds like the only rational idea and anyone else is griefing the healer etc
Just takes 1 good 2H tank for 4 others to see how insane it is and never question it again lol
I tank just fine with a sword n shield
Having healed dungeons from 17-52, I’m weary of Warriors in general at this point and will assume they’re terrible and need me to babysit them until proven otherwise.
It got better as soon as I started in Mara, but there are still a huge number of Warriors who just sit there and get clapped in berserker stance while expecting me to save them from themselves.
I’m inclined to say that a prot warrior can gain and maintain threat much better in most situations, specially when the dps in the group is high and doesn’t want to wait for threat to be built. Also, playing a healer as well, I use less mana and damage is much, much more predictable, leading to an ‘easier’ and faster run.
This is specifically even more emphasized if a shield is used. Barely any damage spikes with higher mitigation.
Quite surprised that other players are saying there is no difference. It’s like night and day.
Druid and shaman tanks are better than most of the warriors I’ve grouped with in classic, lol.
Cool. Ive seen plenty of ret paladins/boomkins running around too. Doesn’t make it good or optimal in any way. But you do you.
No prot warrior cannot hold threat better in most situations. They have awful multi-target threat and do no damage. Most of the meaningful damage reduction talents are in the first 20 points of the protection tree, which is why raid tanks spec fury prot (3/31/17). For dungeons you don’t need any of that nonsense, nothing hits hard if the tank has 2 brain cells and can stance dance into Defensive. They just need to hit things hard and do AE threat (sweeping strike).
All you are seeing with bad tanks, are people much like the posters on this thread. They refuse to get on discord and read up on how to play their class properly. Which is pretty sad since it would take them under 10 minutes.
Ironically it’s not really the spec. A lot of Warriors don’t understand rage magement and pooling rage at the end of a pack for the next pack.
If your walking into a pack with zero rage, and DPS who are going to blast right away, yeah its going to be a free for all. You dont have enough juice to generate initial threat.
Also, I am still a huuuge fan of marking a skull in each pack. Just bind it to F1. It’s more efficient for DPS to single target kill a mob and even if DPS pulls threat, its only one mob that is about to die anyway.
Thats because they think they can tank as dps which is so much BS… I came back to tank as warrior but the amount of disrespect,badmouthing and even getting snyde comments because i have a shield …the tank embargo is definentaly on now. Respect your tanks let them do what they are suppose to do or keep giving your healers healing spasms… heart goes out to the healers suffering as much if not more then the REAL tanks.
Tanks job isnt dps whoever told you that some smuck on utube …Ill gaurantee as prot warrior with shield will shame your idiotic dps tank arms or fury …your not speced for it yoou will suck at it.
The tanking formula for dungeons:
Gressil+THC whirlwind+cleave in berserker stance for AoE threat.
Hit shield block+equip Face of Death macro if HP gets low.
This is the real sauce, no troll. Thank me later.
“But Niri, I dont have those items yet!”
Get those items.
Well you should be wary of any tank that can’t hold threat assuming your talking single target, and honestly the one thats going to likely fail the most often is the prot tank since they will typically be raged starved, there is a reason most tanks go a threat route not a defense route. That all said the real problem in either situation isn’t the tanks, its the DPS that doesn’t seem to understand threat.
Even if you have a tank that decides they want to spec prot, so have little to no threat, it’s still upto the DPS to throttle themselves enough so that they don’t overtake the tank. Classic isn’t like retail, tanks simply don’t have threat, so DPS need to make sure they stay under the tank. While this is far more challenging if you have a prot tank, it’s still doable.
For multi target this actually gets increasingly challenging for prot as they simply wont have the rage to hold multiple targets, that said many warriors will lack the skill to properly manage multiple targets well, so again, its upto the DPS to make sure they are on the right targets and dont overtake the tank.
Ultimately if the tank loses agro, its a DPS problem, not a tanking problem, with the exception of healers getting agro, then the tank needs to step up.