Are you looking for a home in Sargeras that raids and actively does M+?

is a 6/8H, 8/8N guild that is looking for long term raiders and guildies that share our attitude toward the game. We want to hang out, kill bosses, improve ourselves and have fun. No drama, no raging. We’re all adults and know that rl > wow and we need to make the most of the time we have to play.

Raid times are Wednesdays/Thursdays 6pm-9pm CST (7pm-10pm EST).

During the weekends, we either do push keys or help guildies out to gear up for raid. Doing keys with the guild is optional though encouraged as we bond and have fun together as a guild.

We’re looking for more members to fill out our roster, specifically ranged and melee dps. We currently have 12 people on our raid roster.

We ask anyone who wants raider rank in guild to do a 2 week trial with us to make sure it’s a good fit for both sides, especially if they would be server transferring.

We do offer perks for raiders such as repairs, food, enchants, etc.

What we’re looking for: Melee and Ranged DPS - Highest Priority for Mage, WW Monk, SPriest and Bal Druid

We ask that those who wish to trial to be around 395ilvl or higher.

If you have any questions, please contact me on bnet (Glephor#1991) or on discord (Glephor#2478)

Looking forward to hearing from you!