Are you Locks excited?

Looking forward to this. I’m hoping we get some cool options (and preferably not only the old glyphs), but just having the option would still be nice.

Wonder if we’ll be able to choose on character creation, or if we have to go to the barber shop on every warlock

As 10.1 recently came out, it is at least weeks, and probably a month or two away.

You would easily be able to finish those two before it’ll be out, though as the others said, if you just wanted to wait and not do the quests then its an option.

Yeah it’s what I figured if it takes longer the patch to release I might as well just unlock them now.

I’m gonna go with 2 months.

Its down as a summer patch and 10.1.7 being an autumn patch.
So id expect july or August

The roadmap says “summer” and given the patch cadence we’ve had this expansion, I’m guessing it’ll come out July/August.

Dragonflight release - Nov. 28

10.0.5 - Jan. 24th

10.0.7 - Mar. 21st

10.1.0 - May 2nd

I applaud your dedication.

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I’d guess around there too, but the main point of the post was just saying it’ll be awhile and they could easily unlock the two races well before it comes out, since it would at soonest be weeks away.

And they figured as much and are just going to unlock them as they planned (which I would too if I didn’t have them all unlocked already)

I really don’t know what all the hullabaloo is about. For each of these non lore aligned cases, a few players will create another alt to level as warlock, go to the barbershop and trim up their lusty golden locks, level to mid teens, hop in the timewalking dungeons, hit level 60, and then complain that Blizzard is so alt unfriendly.

Hope there’s enough time to chase down all the glyphs from Legion too. There should be some threads about how Blizzard should have already given these glyphs to us thematically for a race/class combo they never planned to make.

Blizzards new upgrade system ain’t alt friendly. You’re better off just grinding it out only on one character and not upgrading anything that isn’t at least lfr level.

Yeah I might as well just finish the allied races now, haven’t started the highmountain tauren but for zandalari trolls I just started secrets in the sands, then just need a bargain of blood and the final seal.

Think tides of vengeance is another I need and I don’t know how long that’ll take but I imagine all of this can be done before they release the patch.

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Yeah, if you’re that far along might as well finish them off.

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Ima wait till i can be a panda and then level up to 70.

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Like most lock changes in this expansion, I half expect them to be removed a day after or before the patch.

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I first saw them in WC3. So they have been in lore longer than Lightfroged.

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Warlocks are kinda the class that failed being a mage so they went with a quick an easy route too become powerful spell casters

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In WoW they’ve been MIA. Blizzard kinda just tucked them away and… Forgot about them.

Course the Draenei in WoW aren’t the WC3 ones, as ours crashed here with Velen in TBC.

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They haven’t really been tucked away, there was only one expansion that dealt with the legion and so really had demon presence before Warlords and that was BC, and there were Eredar there.

They just weren’t a common enemy type and usually present as named quest mobs, which gave them more of an importance factor during the expansion, such as Arazzius

And the more obvious Archimonde in the Caverns of Time raid, Kil’Jaedens attempt to come through the sunwell, etc…

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I mean, the blue warlocks.

She looks TOTALLY WICKED LOVE IT :star_struck:

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