Are you Locks excited?

Yeah, this is great! I like how my human lock looks, but I can’t argue against the racials Nelves have. Shadowmeld and that little speed boost are great.

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Im cool with it. Always wanted to play as the burning legion.

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Skinny void walker when Blizzard?

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Nope. I have wanted Ogres for years. That’s pretty much all.

I specifically never change her because of this, even if she clashes horribly with my mog :joy:

The Red Eredar from WoD and Legion, please.


It’s odd that the Horde still doesn’t have playable Ogres and Mok’nathal.


I’m not a warlock main but I am excited. I love the three main pet classes so I’m thrilled they are FINALLY giving lock pets some much needed updates and I’m also thrilled that my lock can be my favorite race (tauren/HMT.)

When the group could use an extra magic cleanse imps are very good. There is a lot of versatility in warlock pets, kinda sad to see most people not use them. (Demo locks obviously get a pass, here.)

I think some of the race options opening up are dumb.

Customizing the demons though sounds interesting. Might have to level up a warlock to check it out, since the quest will likely only be available to max level characters.

So from what I can tell imps the only one with new actual customization options, the rest seem to just be the glyphs put into the barber and just letting us use them more easily.

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I agree. Maybe my caveman brain doesn’t understand or lacks the ability to process how and why a LF Draino would become a warlock. But then again there is always the age old argument about Forsaken being Holy priests. At some point… you just accept things that don’t make sense.

If I was doing the project… the pets would have skins and models unique to each race. Yeah… I’m that guy.

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In the new warlock questline on the PTR, you meet a group of people who recently became warlocks.
One of them is a lightforged draenei and they say this to you

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Ok… so…

Aren’t Lightforged Drain-o’s infused by the Light?

At this rate… races will be purely cosmetic and all classes will be open to all races. Some will be happy about this… a chunk will just roll their eyes and walk away.

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I completely missed the part with customizing our pets at the barber so I can’t wait for this. Currently using my warlock to unlock last couple allied races I have left. So many quests…

Still gonna be an orc lock, regardless. Not worried about pet appearances, but it’s cool that people are happy about it.

In 10.1.5 allied races will only require the unlock scenario.
No other quests needed

Don’t bother, apparently all the unlock requirements are going away in the next patch.

That’d be great, only have highmountain tauren and zandalari trolls left. Do we have a date for this patch or could it be a week or more away right now? Cause I could prob finish the troll one in maybe 2 or 3 days depending how long secrets in the sands is.

I don’t know when it’s going to drop but it feels like it’s taking forever.