Are you Locks excited?

My Alliance & Horde warlocks are already made and I’m happy with their races so likely won’t change, but I am happy for everyone else that will be able to be the race they want for them. It is said ‘almost’ all races though, is there any race besides Dracthyr that can’t be one after this?

Above aside, for me I am very excited about the pet customization though, most definitely.

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Aha, new warlocks. If it also comes with more character slots, I will make them.

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Lightforged Draenei warlocks lol

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i don’t feel like hopping onto any of my warlocks but yes i am excited. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

There you go, a holy demon.

lol yourself.


I want a Fel Spawn (Fel Green Voidwalker)!


I’m planning on resubbing and playing for a bit again once the Pandaren Warlocks become available. Excited.

Not unless my demo lock gets customizations for her felguard.

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Can we decorate the succubi/succubus?

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Cool stuff! Can’t wait to customize my demons.

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It’s pretty cool actually.

I was getting pretty irritated with my big blueberry voidwalker getting in the way of me clicking on things.

At least now I can make him look cool.

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Belf warlock master race/class.

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Wait, what races won’t be able to be Warlocks?

Fixed that for you.

Alliance helves didn’t embrace the beautiful dark green fel crystals.

I’m pretty sure the races they listed are the only ones that can’t already be warlocks.

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That’s why they have us. To be their darkness, their void, their fel.

Velf warlock makes sense. Warlocks do have some void stuff.

Yeah I took it as “now everyone can be a warlock”

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I just threw up in my mouth. alittle