Are you Locks excited?

And I have to buy stuff from my AH mount often enough that night borne mailbox is too good to pass up.

Compared to changing a transom set, which is free in USD, or under 1k gold…

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I have engineering mailbox so I guess thats not something I think about. But yeah. Makes sense

What do you mean, you locks?


Just customizing what we already have? I really would have preferred that they let us go out into the wild and permanently enslave demons from around the world.

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If the Draenei cannot be Red then I see no reason to make another Warlock.

I don’t think the customization will be extensive.

I wanna enslave demons too.


That’s exactly what I did


Very cool news! I can’t wait to customize my Felguard :smiley:

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I hate that I’m being negative here but… imp customizations is like letting a Fire Mage customize the water elemental. When do we ever use the Imp?

But overall yes, I was really wanting to see some Warlock love this patch and this is fulfilling it. Excited to check out how some races look in older sets.

Hopefully they allow a weapon slot so I can get some stuff out of my bags. It would be nice if we can add a weapon glow on their weapon as well like our characters.

I would like to see some different felguard / wrathguard models as well for demo.


I kinda wanna make a panda warlock now. how am i supposed to ever have a main. we need more slots.


At long last.

If my wrathguard doesn’t get dual wielding i’m going to riot.


Sitting very content with my Void Elf Warlock, but customizable demons do sound fun.

Meh, I’m happy with the races I picked for my locks. Also, I don’t really care how my demons look. The only way I’d get excited for this is if they added more customizations per demon like hairstyles for the sayaad/shivara, different blueberry shapes, funny hats for imps, idk something else.

Im more excited for Demon Customizations in the barber shop. I wont ever shed my void skin

Im a Void Lore nerd

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I HOPE that the feature will come with actual new skins (with the new imp one) and not just a “porting Glyphs to Barbershop”.

First thing that comes to my mind is that we need the Shadow and Fel variations for the Incubus. I’d love a void variation as well, since my lock is a Velf.

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I’m watching all the complaining already and laughing. This is great, 10/10 mid patch already. I might make a Lightforge Warlock to make people angry. That or either a cow or moose. I was sad Warlock didn’t get put on the Highmountain when the Bloodtotem were in the lore and not all wiped out so it would have fit perfectly and given them a unique option. Better later then never!

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Actually… something came to me if they really want to put effort in the new demon customization features:

It’s canon now that necromancy can be the result of any kind of magic, so what if we get a fel-undead variation of some (or every) demon we have? Can you imagine a ghoulish Felguard breathing green fire? It would be great for both Forsaken players and also people using the Dark Ranger customization.

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So let me get this right you get to customize all your demon pets at the barber shop if that’s legit that’s awesome.

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Looked at the patch notes and no im not excited any more. Unless there is more to it than this

Developers’ note: Warlock glyphs are now on-use Grimoires to unlock pet customizations. Grimoires can be learned on the PTR this week, but selecting the appearance of your pets in the Barbershop will be available in a future PTR update.