Are you Kitten me? world quest bugged

You can pick up climbing supplies but cant grab your first foothold/grip spot.


yep, can’t grab any either. before you could climb partially but not enough to complete the wq. Now you can’t even get your first handhold.


It looks like they added a rock to get a little farther then you could before, but then there’s STILL a rock missing. Don’t they test their fixes before applying it? Geez.


Still can’t complete this quest. It’s missing a rock to continue.


Same Malfurion server is also broke.

Encountered this issue on WRA as well. Not the first time either.

Last week I did some research and it seemed that getting a different phase can help. It did. Today, I left and came back; nothing changed. I did other WQs and came back, still missing a vital rock. Went to Legion Dalaran and came back; still can’t climb.

Please, fix this. It’s getting real tiresome.

2 weeks now this WQ has been broke. Either fix it or just delete it.


Yep just went too it on my Horde Druid and she can’t do it…there is no place to start to go up with…

I was just coming here to post about this too, same thing happening on Arygos/Llane.

Still occurring - can go up 4 rocks, then it the next is out of reach

Yup. Came here as well.
Can’t even start for the people here. You pick up the bag and the first rock is WAY up the cliff. 10/10

Very aptly names quest, still broken. Last week had the first block then was missing the next this week doesnt have the first block but has the second :upside_down_face:

Please fix asap, I want to save those poor kittens. :sob:


well so far I have found the first 3 rocks missing, the 4th rock missing and the 8th rock missing… so it’s definitely broken on multiple shards.
I’m on Area-52 and have tried on different toons.

It’s such a pain to get Dragonscale rep and this crap happens :frowning:

Please fix the WQ. every day it is a different rock that is missing that does not allow you to climb the first path… one day the first rock is missing… then it is the 4th. today it is 7th rock… or like most all the other climbing WQ add a second path up so at least we have an option if one is broken

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Alleria US - Broke as well, missing a rock to complete quest.

Stormrage US reporting in. Broken here as well.

I literally did this WQ just right after weekly reset, and it work.

I get to an alt, it work, but one of the rock was inside the wall, and make my camera go crazy

The next day, the rock at the start missing.
Today, the rock after the 1st one missing.

why do people think this is broken?

surely the whole point of unlocking the various abilities, is to create your own hand-holds where they’re needed?

I have all the abilities unlocked. There’s no “Helping Hand” to replace the missing handholds. They’re just missing (in some shards, but not in others). There’s no alternate path and no ability that can be used to bypass the missing handhold. It’s broken.