Are you happy with your class?

Druid- Uh, no.
Feral is as clunky as ever and still faces energy starvation in pvp at times, even at the end of expansion power hike. Still cornholed into either ticking dots or bite playstyles which, imo, neither feel good.
Bear finally got a bump to ST after basically all of SL sucking it up. Doing ok I guess there. Depends on your gameplay loop.
Boomy has felt wonky all of SL to me. And continues to be meh now.
Resto is ok I guess. But I don’t get into healing much anymore.

Rogue, eh.
I only really mess with Outlaw and Assassin. Both are kind of meh feeling. I still have fun with the specs outside of any instanced content though.

Monk, it’s alright.
I actually like the changes to Brew for SL unlike some people did. Getting away from ability/brew spam , ala ironfur for bears, made it feel more reactive to me.
WW is still fun to keep track of attack priority and throws down decent numbers in any given situation.
Lastly MW is better to me than it was early SL, but again I don’t heal much at the moment.

The coming gutting to every spec in the transition to DF, as every xpac brings, is going to yet again show us how clunky and bad some specs play outside of borrowed power. Hopefully they get the tuning half way right for DF since there isn’t supposed to be any class/spec defining borrowed power this time (thank god).
I just hope they tune in a way that choosing something outside of say, Blade Dance for Rogues, Breath for DKs, Glave tempest for DHs, and other similar “non-choices” doesn’t mean a chunky damage loss. With the seeming illusion of choice given in the new talent trees it would be a shame to again be stuck into certain builds to be competitive.

I’m pretty happy with enhance sham. Could always be better but it’s not in that bad of a spot.

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Im not happy with my main class. This is my 4th best toon but my favorite toon. I am happy with this.

Could use a rework but pretty much happy with the class.

I’ve got alts of all the classes especially since Legion. Some are played, some collect dust. My favorite side ones are my Druids, Paladin, Warriors, and Warlocks (yes, I have multiples for both factions :P)

SL pretty well burned out any desire for just sheer grinding on alts, though. I have 3-4 alts that still are sitting at 50 solely for not wanting to redo the quest leveling again.

I’m a tank at heart.

  • I main prot warrior but its not fun to play at the moment.
  • My secondary toon is a vengeance DH and while its fun playing it and nothing else for so long has gotten stale.
  • I decided to level this character up to see what druid was like. Plus I can learn to heal again (maybe.) My only concern is that the two bear skins that I like are doing content I don’t enjoy or are out of my reach.

Absolutely!! I know the shaman class has had it’s ups and downs, but I’ve always stuck with it. I’m not a person that likes playing alternate characters, I just feel it’s a waste of time, I’d rather do everything I can on one character and make it the best character I possibly can.

With that said, I’ve been a shaman since the beginning and will continue on until the end!!

I don’t miss any pet.
i miss GoSac being meta and being better than anything pet related.

Every class that I play was better designed and more fun in MoP or WoD.

Not sure the word design even applies to the recent expansions when it comes to classes/specs.


with all my alts i have as well, i call them my split personalities. each one’s like a different mood, and even then, it’s do i feel like ally or horde today?

Yeah, just looking back at all the abilities and spells we’ve lost… a lot of which were QoL abilities themselves, kinda makes me a bit sad.

Mostly. Algebra is kinda challenging, but we’re reading some interesting novels in English.

This. And still extremely mad our Demo tanking wings got stolen to give to DHs. Why the heck can’t we have a Warlock tanking spec?! >.>

Make ret and crusader aura passive again. Absolutely stupid to manage that when going into combat. If they want that then add another aura to go alongside devotion and concentration auras.

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:sparkling_heart: Demon Hunter.

Prot warrior is always fun regardless of its state, and I got KSM so I’m happy. I do wish it would have gotten a couple of buffs though.

I’m happy with my spec. I personally hate spec management so I’m not too big on BM and SV.

You’re a maniac lol.

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As for OPs question, yes.

This guy is my main but have been playing paladin and now recently rogue again. Part of the draw for me to this game is the fact that some specs are very fun to play.

If I can only answer the question as posited, am I happy with my class or an altoholic, the answer to both is “yes.”

I feel like Frost Mage and Ret Paladin are in a really good place right now. I have 3 of each at 60 plus a couple more uncapped.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to characters. I have a minimum of 30-something that I’ve put more than a couple hours time into. I just rolled up a worgen fury warrior last night for when I get that inevitable feeling that there’s nothing more I can really do on this character.

I already have a paladin at roughly the same ilvl, a little behind in ZM but not by much. I like ZM, don’t get me wrong, but when all the obvious upgrades are there, and it’s always been like this since 07, I’d rather level than beat my head against the wall for 2-3 more ilvl.

I don’t play “mains and alts” and I never have. Every character I enjoy is my main in the moment, and currently it’s mostly mages and paladins. If should they get blown out by talent trees next expansion, I am more that willing to stick to evoker until something changes. I would be really really shocked if evoker wasn’t at the top. Hero classes have historically always started out that way, and if it ever loses the crown too much then I’ve got all this to fall back on.