Are you happy with your class?

I switched from Ret Paladin to Demo Warlock. Been unhappy with Ret Paladin since they took away WoD version of it.


I guess I’m an altoholic. I have several mains. Top one is my feral druid x2, then bm hunter x3, boom druid, havoc dh, enh shaman, outlaw rogue x2, shadow priest, demo lock, ww monk, and fury warrior. They are all level 60 with 8 of them having all of the ZM cypher gear maxed. Others are working on it.

i don’t think I could ever settle on just one. I enjoy the others too much also. The only class I cannot play is mage. I totally suck at it and I’m fine with taking that one off the list, but I did get her to 55 before calling it.

I used to main a few toons over the years and the more I liked my class, the further I’d push into content. (raiding, mythic+ etc)

These last 2 expansions have left me cold as far as enjoying my classes.

The last time I loved my rogues was in Legion, stacking mastery to the sky as Outlaw and becoming a mob blender was awesome, that’s all gone now. RTB can GTFO.

I’ve had some fun early in the expac with my Arms warrior as Venthyr in BG’s, but instead of toning it down, Blizzard destroyed that and it hasn’t been fun since.

My DK here rode the bench until tier sets returned and made it playable but outside of major cooldowns the damage falls flat, I hate that type of gameplay and it’s everywhere in the games class design now.

My Ret has the same issue as my DK, cooldown based damage then damage falls off a cliff, not cool.

I’m waiting and hoping the new talent trees can bring at least one of my favorite classes back from the “fun graveyard” and I can get back into the entire game again.

I play bear and disc am generally happy with bear but oooh man disc needs help in sooooo many ways

Im constantly making alts. Each expansion my go to classes were Spriest at start of expansion, druid in the middle and lock closing the expansion. Ive always enjoyed those three however I have been enjoying Shaman lately. I may change it up and close the expansion and start the new one with Shaman.

Druid? Yeah.

Hpriest? Yeah.

Disc priest? No.

Afflock? No.

I have complaints about the rest of the classes too, but those are the ones I’m most invested in.

Hey Shadina… good to see you’re still around.
I recall you guys took me under your wing when I came back to WoW when I had taken several years off.

BFA kinda sucked for Shaman and that’s the first time I actually rerolled to something different after many years of it being my main class. It’s back to being my main character now, but outside of that one instance, I’ve been happy with it for as long as I’ve played it.

Everything else that I’ve played, be it Paladin, Mage, Hunter or Priest, has been unfun in various aspects. I loathe Holy Power as a mechanic. All three Mage specs feel really “same-y” after a while and Shadow Priest specifically has a lot to be desired. Hunter, I couldn’t get into the Focus system and not having the deadzone felt really weird to me, so I don’t play it so much these days. Markman in more recent expansions has been compelling, but nothing more than an alt.

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This is the first ever expansion where i have zero max level alts, I’m not especially happy with my main either, just because some warlock specs have been OP in some specific aspects of the game (high level keys/raiding if spec’d and played right), it doesn’t mean my character is fun, i don’t see anything fun about one spec being in the gutter and another being god mode (numerically at least).

I honestly don’t care about pulling huge numbers, i don’t care if my class/spec sim’s middle of the pack forever, i just want my character to be fun to play, and currently, that’s the absolute opposite of what affliction is.

I can’t settle on anything cause it all feels bad, few good.

My class has been mid-range in PVE for a couple expacs and lower. Single target damage being pretty trying. It’s not the worst, it’s not the best.

How I want my class to feel:

How it really feels:

i don’t mind enhance just don’t like shadowlands so it kind of gets in the way of me doing anything much when they actually made us way better as expac went but shadowlands makes hard to play much.

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I seem to be able to only focus on one char. If I try to do alts at the same time I get all screwed up and can’t preform well. I hate that the class and spec that I like to play most does a lot less damage than other specs. I wish things were balanced better and more closely in terms of dps. So I have pretty much gave up this expansion because no one wants to group.

My ex gm kind of got me into giving shaman another shot since legion.

It is super fun and i enjoy it quite a bit.

I love my class. I play lots of alts, most of them druids. Because I love my class.

Crusader strike, holy shock, maldraxus gravel, hammer of Wrath, and healing your beacon of light target all grant HP. I often find myself sitting 5HP for no reason other than we generate so much of it.

We also have pretty much 100% uptime on wings. Holy is busted.

Pretty much. The holy power system needs an overhaul if it should be kept in my opinion. As a Ret our entire spec is built on it. If you’re not getting Templar’s Verdict out every couple of seconds you’re doing something wrong. Feels like a holy rogue at this point.

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I don’t get why you all want to ruin paladin! It’s been so nice this expansion not having a dead spot where youre waiting for CDs for 3 seconds at a time

Because it doesn’t feel like the class anymore. We’re not a rushy class doing a million things in a minute. We come in swinging a massive slow hammer and burst damage things down.

The cost? The time to pull that hammer back up to swing again. In Cata it felt good getting a Templar’s Verdict off because it actually did damage. What cost? Slower mechanics to the class. In Cata we had the right design where we had holy power and used abilities constantly but we were not rushing through a holy power treadmill.

Holy Power is at the moment a rehashed combo point system, an exact copy of rogue. Where nearly every ability rewards it and the goal is to build up and use it. In its initial release the holy power system was not as intrusive as it is now. You had abilities you used that didn’t dance around the sole idea of adding another point. We’ve been turned into stealthless rogues in plate that can heal essentially.

Again I should note as I did earlier, this is my opinion. Played this class every expansion since Vanilla. It felt pretty good up till Legion when things began changing in this direction. Now that’s how I feel about it.

well don’t ask for prot pally to be ruined i think they are fine.