Are you happy with your class?

well… druid tank is great but… buff me, because. :smiley:

I want to main retribution pally as that is my favorite class lore wise. However the playstyle is, in my opinion, garbage and doesn’t even feel like it matches the class.

The other classes I play currently feel perfectly fine, MM Hunter and UH DK.

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While I amd moderately pleased, locks could get some qol back so I do agree on a few things…

FnB toggle was great. Hell even with the current system it could still work. 1 shard to activate toggle, lasts till toggled off / out of shards.

Works on incinerate, conflag and CBolt.

If FnB is on, must be stationary to cast, if off, Incinerate can be casted on the move.

I do miss Doomguard and Infernal being active pets versus random CD pops.

Made Affliction interesting, more dots active, harder and faster DG would slap out doombolts. As well was nice not having blueberry as a go to tank pet. Infernal was able to take a decent hit.

As well do miss end of mist and most of WoD glyph of Harvest Life, turning it into an AoE. That needs to comback as a talent for all specs.

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Demo warlocks play well with the gear and the tier pieces. I can’t wait until prepatch and they strip away all the power and it plays clunky again!

Death Knight for life. Warlock is close second and even though my Lock is 277 ilvl, my DK gets nearly all of my attention.

I played a Shadowknight in EverQuest, I like dark magic, fel demons and cutesy wootsy undeads, so, its only unnatural that I love my DK and Lock.


Not really. Warlocks have a lot of fundamental issues design-wise and they’re massively propped up by overpowered set bonuses at the moment.

The Warlock changes in DF are going to have to really blow my socks off.

I love my rogue. Early leveling felt a little delayed, if you know what I mean, it’s hard to explain. Like, we spend a lot of time waiting in between attacks. But that eventually goes away, like around level 15-20, if I recall. Well, as an Outlaw it does. Not sure about other specs.

i play dh i feel bored :v is a garbage class with no damage

Ain’t been happy since they ruined the work of art that was the Mists era Warlock.


I’ve not been able to pick a class ever since I’ve come back. DK? No. Hunter? No. Maybe Mage? Not ruled out. Shaman? Best bet so far… I’ve got 22 characters on stormrage at a variety of levels and it well and truly depends on what I feel like playing.

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I did not used to Alt it up, until I rerolled on the US servers.
That was in BfA, so with the content droughts towards the end I found myself picking up alts to play different ways (and different faction) once my dailies were done on Veryna.

Edit: I’m happy enough as any outlaw rogue can be, I suppose. Obviously I’d like to do ALL THE DAMAGE, but rogues are, by their nature not really aware of what is good for them. :rofl:

Yes and no, I like that we are great in M+ for a change but the reality of it is a of destros flaws and there are many are being covered up by our tier set.

I don’t like that we are revolving around pets as the warlock class goes destro was never really pet based that’s demonology, destros class fantasy has always been sacrifice for great fiery destructive power.

I want in 10.x for grim sac to be viable and us to be viable in M+ without the inferno of infernal shenanigans

I love my class. In fact I love it so much I find it hard to get invested in any other classes lol. I love the quick pace and the self healing the most, I also prefer to play melee.

I think a plurality of my alts are also fury warriors, but I probably also have an alt or two of every class. I mainly dabble with my alts, I only have a couple that are actually high level and a lot of them are warriors or monks.

I’ve started to enjoy resto druid lately though. I have a lvl 30 one I’ve been playing with lately. I also have a few ww monk alts I enjoy. But at the end of the day, I love fury warrior and don’t see myself ever not loving it :crossed_swords:

I primarily play mage, DH, pally and warr. Been focusing on shaman lately as I really want to like that class but tbh both ele and enh specs feel seriously borked to play. I feel both specs need to be revamped from the ground up.

I dabble with druid from time to time but it’s a bit of a troll meme class now. Not as bad as hunter but close.

I have every class at max except priest, but keep my enhance shaman and unholy/frost DK as mains.

I enjoy 9.2 enhancement the most probably. Took the entire expansion of asking for the same things over and over, but the spec feels about as good as a spec could feel in shadowlands.

Imo unholy needs an entire rework, but its still my fave class fantasy.

Also love my warlock, especially demo. Am currently enjoying arcane mage alot in spite of its frustrations.

Having said that, I do believe that nearly every spec I play on all classes could use a serious dose of creativity and a revamp / spruce up

I like enh the way it is and will probably main it in DF but would still kill to get a 2h take on the current mechanics.

All of my alts were former mains. Only classes I intend to main even make it to cap (which is unfortunately why this mage gets stuck at 54. RIP but this name is too good.)

I will cap them and give them some gear - if the process isn’t too much of a pain - every patch, but I really do just kind of stick to one class for years.

I am unhappy with my class’s current situation. It sucks but I love playing it. So I am not saying much about it and playing it, I guess.

All Kyrian except as noted.

Frost Mage - It’s mediocre right now.
MM Hunter - Excellent.
Blood DK - Good. (1 Kyrian/ 1 Night Fae)
Destro Warlock -Very Good
Holy Priest - Excellent. (Venthyr)
Resto Druid - Good. (1 Kyrian / 1 Night Fae)
Sub Rogue - Good.

I am happy with my priest. But I also have a lot of alts. The reason is because of a combination of things but essentially, I enjoy multiclassing for arena.

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