Are you guys ready for RANK 11? I LOVE CAPPED RANKING

Ranking Hype! No decay Hype! Easy gear hype! Easy fresh hype! Easy game hype! Capped ranking Hype!


I’m ready baby!

Thanks Blizzard!



baby mode hype :expressionless: everyone gets a trophy hype :expressionless:


I hate that ranks are time gated and I wish ranking wasn’t entirely trivialized to the point everyone can do it, just afk in AV. I’m sure there are those who disagree. I’m all for not having it require unemployment but the AV rankers free r14 is dog water


You still need to grind like 400k honor lol.

That’s not an insane amount but also not nothing…

Should just introduce Rated BGs then, if you really wanted it to be “you don’t need to be unemployed to get it” but also “not everyone can get it”

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Capped ranking is 100x better then people playing the game 24/7 being the only ones to get ranked gear. The time investment is still enough of a price for the loot with the new system.


rated BGs would have been a better change than this glorified rep bar yes :expressionless:

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Rated bgs would be good but won’t happen /shrug

I love it, i can get all 3 of my 60’s to r11 without falling behind

Yep looking forward to it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

seems like a fair balance

EDIT: i might be biased though even the warrior blue pvp gear is just phenomenal

Heck yeah. My first wife left me during the first rank 14 grind. Maybe this one will stay this time.


Easy ranking is good and decay was a bug. No reason for people to have bad gear in a month, DM, r11, av exalted, you won’t need mc gear.

Come on man stop being so heartless. Don’t you the think 40 year old dad gamer who plays 1-2 hours a day should have a chance to be an epic r14 pvper? its only fair man


Decay wasn’t a bug. It was an early iteration of an incentive to get people to keep playing. And it worked. You can even see the effect of removing it. BG queues that never pop because people don’t need to keep playing is directly caused by the removal of decay.

Easy? Are we talking about Gladiator here or Rank 14?

Rank 14 has always been easy, it’s a time sink.

Nothing more, 0 skill involved.


They won’t be able to hit r14 with 1-2 hours played. They’ll have to commit a decent amount of time r11 and onwards. Even on BG weekends.


Yup, most of the HWL/GM players i ran into in TBC had no idea how to pvp, it was comical


This is nothing like vanilla so they need to just hurry and get this to TBC