Are you guys noticing a difference now?

Your vault not give you repeat pieces then I take it?

Nah I’ve been lucky this time around haha. Last season was brutal. Adap trinkets and crit rings

Pretty sure Bobby felt bad for me playing a Lock so helped me out

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I got all the back pieces last season so I feel ya, this season I was pretty lucky with both weapons by week 2

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People complained about legion templates but look where we’re at now, imo legion templates were a pretty simple fix to a lot of issues. Either that or literally just have a set item level of honor gear and conquest gear.

Think I fought ya a few times last night bud. Was ggs.

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Yeh I got farmed rip

I mean wod scaling is also an easy fix and it’s already half arsedly implemented. If they actually didn’t cater only to pvers we’d be fine but nope… Wod scaling to address PvE concerns not PvP ones :expressionless:


I mean, they could simply make PvP scale twice, once at 1400 and again at 1800, but this doesn’t solve the glaring issues of Conduits, soulbinds and legendaries effecting PvP.

The game just needs to have separate tooltips for PvE and PvP and all the other PvE system crap disabled.

I was definitely live lording being trained last night by a lot of teams

Honestly, just bring back legion templates and disable every single pve buff in the game, conduits, soulbinds, legendaries, everything. In my honest opinion, being able to hop onto an alt that was roughly 80 ilvls lower than the average and being able to instantly win games was really good. No chores, no BS


My pally is 4 pieces from full, and I haven’t done conquest or vault on him in 2 weeks now, so yeah def possible I think–depending on how lucky you got on big pieces out of vault.

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Whaaaaat? Where were these 30k non crits last night??? :joy:

Except this is way more work and therefore waaaayyyyy less likely to happen. Legit they have wod scaling in the game already. Just do it. Legit doable in the flippin .5 patch.

I mean with wod scaling everyone ended up 100% even. No gear disparity. That’s pretty solid too. I guarantee you I’d be playing a lot more.


Legion there was literally like a 5% disparity between someone with 900 and 950, it really wasnt big. If you were the better team you won, but yes I agree wod scaling also worked tremendously well and I think either or is good, the only reason I slightly prefer legion system is cause im lazy and dont like gearing alts at all.

and in wod regardless of your rating there was 0% disparity. And i could run an all haste set and an all mast (etc etc)


Part of the problem is that did not apply in wpvp. Still rating locked gear is the devil. I was a part of a great and fairly large PvP guild in wod. They had been in existence since early cata. Great mix of people and everyone played with everyone in any comp all day every day.

Then legion comes around and people need to push rating and sweat all season long. All of a suddenly people who played the same spec since vanilla were being told to swap because the spec sucked. The better players stopped playing with the poor ones because they needed gear each week. The poor players just stopped pvping because PvE is insanely easy to get gear through compared to PvP.

A guild that lasted from cata to wod, and grew even in the deadest parts of wod, died half way through the first season of legion. It still exists but as a PvE guild now. Naw rating locked gear is the worst and it’s simply anti competition. Makes no sense in a PvP environment. Even if that isn’t inherently a part of templates I just don’t need templates lol… my hatred for legion probably sabatoges my like for templates.

Legion was alt friendly. Still though I had every single class geared in wod too. If they did proper wod scaling with not insane gaps it would be just fine even for alts.

Greens 220
Honor 230
Comques 240.

No giant gaps and there’s still progress for those lame people that need it. I feel like it hits enough of blizzards crap that they just need to go the last half of the way on wod scaling lol. Probably still too much work for them though considering they have half a PvP dev :pensive:


This is why I believe they won’t fix the item level disparity. It’s just way too profitable for them.


I wish they would give us back the pvp cache and still have the vault for pve.
Having to pick because I casually raid sucks.
I’m behind in pvp gear because I’ve been taking pve pieces

No it is still painfully ridiculous to upgrade my conduits.