Are you guys noticing a difference now?

The systems they have in place and tiered gear instead of 1 flat ilvl makes balancing so much harder. People have to sit through months and months of terrible balancing to reach their full potential for things to even out. By then, the ladder is basically dead because nobody wants to stick around for that.


So they fixed a bug in Wind walker burst ability. What a joke company , lol.

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just make all honor gear scale to 250 in pvp and all conq gear to 259 in pvp simple ez fix and make the duelist upgrades just give you more ilvl for outside world content and pve ez fix participation goes up 400%


Such a good point that I haven’t really been able to put into words. I do feel like balance is okay in full gear. This is what they should balance around.

Or the people that literally never will. As most PvP games the largest population of people tend to be bronze-plat or 1500-1800. Probably isn’t the case anymore with wow because they all left lol… Mostly just 2100+ people queing on alts.

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still feels like ww and assa rogue have no regard for gear

but yeah games are definitely slowed down now

Yeah I’ve found that my tan has developed a lot this season. A few more sessions and I expect my skin to be the color of wet cardboard.
Pretty exciting.

definitely feels more reasonable with the exception of ww damage

bm mirrors feel a little slower than early season


Not trolling at all, but I find warlocks almost unkillable without a warrior or monk on your team.

Necrolord Demo is getting pretty silly with the amount of absorb shields they have.

Just left wow 2 weeks ago so and the lack of response to fix the issues that make the game unbearable to GW2, and will check bless

Yeah full gear feels rly tanky, unless you’re vs a WW then you still die in 1s.

Even different builds can cause a covenant swap if you want to be optimized.

I can’t think of a single reason at this point that would keep us from swapping other then “MUH RP”…

You are clearly drunk. This is crazy talk.

Yeah, now that I am 252 my shield slams are hitting around 30k non crit. Think it’s still a little low.

Then they need to allow people to get full gear. It’s balanced for gear, many of us can’t get, especially on alts… ):

I’ve missed that many weeks that full gear is possible?

It’s a full 7ilvl higher, so you should see a difference.

If they made a paid service to copy characters they would make so much money this expansion, they really missed on that.

Imagine having a main kyrian and then you pay to copy the char, you log in and grind to necrolord so you have now 2 chars with the same gear and 2 different covenants.

That’s really what I expected to see coming when they said covenant wouldnt be easy to change. Like on purpose not being able to swap covenant to integrate a copy char paid service lmao

I’m definitely noticing an increase in gear and skill gap as the season goes on.

nah still like a month out from that or so. but for folks who’ve been playing and taking stuff from vault, size of gaps has decreased because if you got lucky from vault early, chance you got lucky again is less because fewer slots left to fill.

Only non duelist pieces I have are two trinkets and a ring

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