Are you guys noticing a difference now?

With full duelist gear are you dudes noticing a difference?

I’m finding it easier to survive melee cleaves. Damage is still high but it seems to be balancing out a bit. WW damage is still insane but warriors feel a bit more manageable.

If Blizz would tune some stuff I think this could be a decent expansion tbh


What about the other 95% of the pvp player base? When do casuals get a playable season?


Gearing is atrocious right now and it needs to change, but that’s a whole other topic entirely.


Honestly this guy feels pretty good right now. Hoping to push my last 40 rating today to upgrade to 252 gear to feel even better. I imagine 259 feels pretty decent.

I think it will ease down a bit with the ridiculous dmg melee are dealing rn since we get more stam + vers. But I still don’t like the way how the power level of cds overweigh all other dmg for most classes. If they could allocate a lot of the high cd (burst) dmg to classes’ consistent dmg, I can see this season being very fun as we progress more into it.

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Usually how it works. Melee cleaves dominant early expansion then casters take over late expac


blizz needs to just remove the ilvl increase lol. dumb company keeps trying to fix what was never broken.


Either get good or buy a carry. That appears to be blizzard’s mental.


Still lethal but less ‘oh no a WW monk trade perfectly then die to sustain 45 sec later’ situations. Pace of game at max gear feels really good but on toons that took pve gear for raiding or don’t have rank 6 korthia stuff you def feel the difference. Wish they reduced tier gaps in pvp by half or so. Waiting half the season for gear to equalize so you know reliably what you have to trade in different situations is a bit whack.

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Im still missing unchained ring and trinket but it does feel like its getting better but what I dont get is why does it have to suck for soo long and and be in favor of melee before things start getting better for other players and classes?

The game is already in favor of casters. Whos always winning AWC every single time?

You’re gonna have 2years + of double wizards dominating.


Fixed that for ya lol

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You forgot ele which is amazing too.

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This, in my opinion, is the worst part about this season. The balance of the game from live to playing on TR is WORLDS different. The entire game, the entire meta, is completely different on TR in full gear with full gems, etc. etc in regard to how damage profiles adjust. Balancing the game around low gear ruins the experience with full gear and vice versa. The gear gap from 0 - full gear is HUGE, and it’s made worse by the rating requirements. Truly a horrible system…


Just another reason why scaling all PvP gear to max ilvl in PvP is good. Really wish Blizzard cared about creating a good gaming experience and not about milking time played metrics.


Having the freedom to swap covenants without consequence seems like it would be pretty big. I wish we had this option on live, with as much ease as just swapping talents.

I’d imagine everyone having access to full gear makes a difference to. One less variable to blame when everyone is the same ilvl with sockets etc.

Yeah… like spending an ungodly amount of time farming in Korthia to unlock socket upgrades that I already unlocked in The Maw. Nothing says fun like grinding for something I already earned :expressionless:


Oh I wish I could freely swap covenants on TR haHAHA :slightly_smiling_face:

Full gear makes the game completely different tbh. Damage profiles for most are much smoother, less 1 shots in general, everyone is much tankier etc… if they made changes based on live rn, TR matchups everyone would be immortal af lol


Dont forget the gear use to just come with gem slots already in it back in the day. Just like everything else though blizzard takes away stuff that we use to have then says here now go grind your life away for these items again that use to be a given to the players.


I would even be fine with having to complete the Campaign for each Covenant one time if it allowed me to switch freely among them. So many classes have different “BIS” Covenants for different specs or content that it would make people feel a lot less punished for not being considered “meta”.

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Covenants should have been cosmetic options all along IMO.