Where pet classes can get themselves and their partners in combat right away without actually touching the enemy team?
Its literally breaking so many matchups with rogues in them.
Where pet classes can get themselves and their partners in combat right away without actually touching the enemy team?
Its literally breaking so many matchups with rogues in them.
This isn’t fixed because nobody actually likes Rogues, so anything that hoses Rogues is .
DK’s aren’t liked either though.
You know it wasn’t there at the start of wotlk classic, and blizzard intentionally added it back in right? Blue post and everything.
If it was going to be fixed it would be fixed.
The fact no one even really complains about that “bug” compaired to many others than also are not fixed shows how low on prio it is.
Blizzard fixes what they want quickly and what they don’t want to fix takes awhile. Those bugs take a lot of people complaining till they fix. The lack of people that even mention that bug shows it’s not even on the prio list.
You’re vastly more likly to see pets losing hp on demount fixed before this bug. That has also been an issue for far longer.
As for the guy above of you’re going to claim there is a blue post saying a “bug” is not a bug should link it. So the op can see. I personally don’t care if this is a bug or not but non the less if going to mention a blue should be linking said blue. As if it was known already by the op they likly wouldent be approaching the issue how they are. This is the burden of proof the one bringing it up is burdened with supporting the claim. The op can call it a bug all he wants till shown otherwise as anything can be called a bug till blizzard says it’s not.
Does this bug only affect rogues? Cause I know mages got the invisibility and night elf got the Stealth
Is there a Death Knight complaining about a bug that only affects DKs? Cuz I’m not finding one in this thread, but you’re much taller than me so maybe there’s something at your altitude that I’m not seeing.
They actually attempted to fix this in WoTLK.
In TBC you could combat bug your pet through some crazy shanagians. They tried to fix it, but couldn’t and decided to just make it so when the pet is sent in you just can’t be sapped.
They just gave up on trying to fix it
they’re busy fixing actual important stuff, like nerfing pve armour pots
not a bug, its a feature lmao. This is from their running hot fix blue post
This was a change made from original tbc to wotlk. Working as intended.
zoomers think features are bugs because they never played the game, they are the same people who cry about game balance on a completed classic era 14+ year old expansion…aka all the 20 year old babies with ret paladin posts.
Clueless people, they all buy gold and cry about having to level and play the video game, not sure why they are even here, MMOS not for them
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