Still low huh? CE raiding is serious business.
Well that’s because they are below, and I don’t enjoy it - as I said 5 times
I’m not sure you’re getting it man
CE raiding is the only thing in this game that makes it all feel like a job. Which is why Brewa can’t make a post that isn’t angry.
As I posted above:
Only 577 guilds have killed Queen Ansurek.
Another 720 are currently working on Queen Ansurek. More than have killed it.
Another 900 are still working on Silken Court.
Every Brewa take devolves into big dogging people because he progs mythic raid which makes him a superior human
You aren’t wrong and he’s not alone there.
Also note that most guilds just lost 2 weeks.
Tue/Wed are the most common raid days.
Tuesday was Christmas Eve.
Wednesday was Chrismas Day.
Tuesday was New Year’s Eve.
Wednesday was New Year’s Day.
Most guilds have made zero progress since mid-December.
All the more reason for me to steer clear of it
If I was TL3 I’d drop that best of the best gif from Men In Black.
They can keep their precious high level dragonslayer content
I’ve been in two CE guilds and they were both clown shows
CE not at the top end is just heroic raiders with more time
Just pull and pull and wait for the dad mage not to mess it up zzzzz
For everyone imo. Pugging your goals comes with frustration but that frustration is ultimately offset by not treating the game as a second job.
No, I don’t really have an issue with the season length. I might have issues with well the content within said season(Or tier, whatever same damn thing) but the length is fine.
My only feedback I can offer is, I like questing, make more quests(WQ or otherwise) and I’m happy.
P.S. Delves haven’t disappointed me but they didn’t rock my world either.
Honestly just being able to solo or duo them rocked my world entirely. I never expected Blizzard to put mid-tier (heroic) track into content that I can have fun in with just myself or my wife while actually being rewarded in a significant way for it.
Delves are their home run when it comes to this expansion.
You might want to do the Azeroth’s Greatest Detective and Assistant Guest Relations questlines at the anniversary event before they go away in a couple days.
Wanting to delay a season because your guild can’t kill the big evil dragon fast enough is a wild take
Considering a huge majority of the playerbase couldn’t care less about it
WQ could be more engaging.
This may be an unpopular opinion but I love Theater Troupe, seeing other players engaging in different layers of activity throughout the event is nice.
This part of it is incredibly fun can’t lie. Just seeing the whole team doing all of their goofy stuff makes the theater worth it when I happen to see it up. That’s what made the soup event. It was nothing without us collectively making it fun.
And then there’s me, who AFKs every theatre troupe after getting the 50 audience score for the weekly.
I don’t feel that they’re too long. Everyone completes content at different intervals, so I think it’s important to leave enough space for a lot of players to complete their goals, and that for players who finish their goals early, having downtime means there’s space to do other things in the game without feeling rushed, or taking some time off from the game and coming back fresh.
Honestly, I enjoy content lulls when the content is good. I can play as much as I like and have fun, and not feel pressured by a feeling of falling behind. Plus it gives the devs time to work on more content on the upcoming season.
The problem with WQ is that they were created to be the main source of AP. With AP no longer a thing, WQ are a game system in search of a purpose.
I think the season length is fine. Sixish months feels like more than enough time to get done what you need to or want to. It only really applies to the season-locked achievements and rewards.
I’ve had quite a bit of fun with Delves so far but really went off of them after November. I only do a handful now a week to get a few vault slots filled, but with next seasons changes I can see myself doing more of them.