Are WoW season's to long?

Seasons are a cop out to recycle content. WoW was an infinitely better game when each expansion in and of itself was a “season” and all content was progression-relevant throughout the expansion.

There’s no need for each content patch to render the previous patch obsolete and the seasonal rotation of regurgitated 5 man content to apease the m+ bros is dumb. We all can see just how “popular” m+ REALLY is now that delves have become the path of least resistance to welfare gear. No need yo cater to them. Bring back linear raid progression between xpac raids.


Hot take: I actually like the stability. I kinda miss the long stretches where WoW was stable (::cough 1 year of ICC cough cough 14 months of SoO cough:: )


You just described seasons. When they add new content, that’s a season. It’s always been around. It’s just been called “tiers” in the past and tied to raid releases

No I didn’t. I didn’t even “describe” anything, I simply mentioned that they can add content to the game.

no, i think the length is good. 6 months makes it easy to forecast.

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i hate short seasons. the constant regearing and whatnot just makes me say eh and not bother


Each time they add a new raid tier and corresponding quests and content to support it…season.

You described a season lol

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Sees guild name

Ahh, I see.

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Ah so you’re unable to refute facts. Got it

Nah, no shot I’m clearing the first raid and doing the same dungeons for 2 years

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Only 577 guilds have killed Queen Ansurek.

Another 720 are currently working on Queen Ansurek. More than have killed it.

Another 900 are still working on Silken Court.

No, the seasons aren’t too long. Most progression raiders are still working on it.

There’s definitely a case to be made for removing the E-Z Mode versions, though, since they just get people to faceroll it and then claim they’re “bored” for months. Nobody was complaining about a content drought back when you had to kill Illidan or the Lich King for realsies.

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As someone who started late and just got KSM today i dont mind the season length. If you’re bored just take a break. I’d rather them not rush the content and then release it a buggy broken mess, we saw too much of that in SL and the subs cratered.

Nah season isn’t too long.

I still do Delves, now I’m considering picking up SV Hunter and see how that works out for me. This season is easily my most time consuming season with alts and I’m having a blast.

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5 months is kinda the minimum with current designs, now they could make changes to try to reduce it but that would also mean less content and personally I don’t like gear resetting even more often.


I don’t find them too long in the wider scheme of things.

Periodically I find I’m very busy IRL. So the start of this year I couldn’t participate in as much of the Re:MoP as much as I wanted. I essentially had 4 hats on at a time.

It’s been the opposite at the end of last year - very chill and that’s given time to study and play very comfortably.

WoW seasons I think are perfect for irl+work while being able to do most seasonal goals.

You want to remove difficulty levels from raids? That’s a great way to kill the game. Back when Illidan had one difficulty, there was no Fortnite, Roblox, DBD, Overwatch/Rivals, nor even Minecraft. In short, no real competition in the online gaming space.


The added major content coincides with seasons.

You’re a fool if you don’t think there were other online games in the 2000s.

But they said there wasn’t any that were competing. Not that there were none.


Also foolish to think there was no competition in the 2000’s.