Are we the ultimate evil?

We are usually summoned whenever there is a big bad who covets power that often does not belong to them.

But the player character is the most power hungry of them all! Every raid tier we covet more power, and typically this power does not belong to us, the only difference is that the ones who we fight against are typically evil.

Our hunger for more power was so great that at one point we even coveted corrupted items that literally corrupted our characters with negative effects!

Were we the ultimate evil all this time? Will our endless hunger for power bring the end of all things?

Who or what must we betray before we cross the line of no return? Or have we crossed that line already?


I mean yes? we’ll commit mass genocide if its a +1 to a stat boost.


I mean… I do have some sort of N’zoth eye thingy… just sayin’…


Do you know how many things we’ve murdered for mere trinkets? A shimmering brass ring? Worlds have been bled, burned and razed for our endless pursuit of shinies.


This was the premise of Battle for Azeroth, if you’ll recall, and that didn’t last more than two patches before they pulled out N’zoth and said actually, no, this guy is.

Look I just do what the quest tells me to do.
I’m a force of nature

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We are destructive force of nature by the end of wow we the players will have plunged all reality into madness and despair!

We not the old gods are the greatest threat to reality!!!

He look we really are the bad guys lol

Doesn’t even have to be a stat boost if it’s a mog.



No, I just want better gear!? Right?

We are, in fact, murder hobos.


especially since this game does not have housing.

we are literally hobos that commit mass murder at the command of anyone who pays us for it.


Indeed. All for little trinkets that we will constantly replace with new trinkets.

I only use my powers for good

Good and evil is subjective. All I will say there.

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No body paid me to go into hellfire keep. I did it because… oh yeah I was bored. Got a few things, got killed by fall damage because archamond cut scene. At least I took him with me.

i’ll do it for free lmao

To be honest, I was offered 28g, in the end, by a black cloaked Gnome. Seemed a worthwhile exchange.

Saángreal: slayer of gormlings. Ancient enemy of kobolds. Wielding the 2hand sword of the LFR goblin king. Enchanted with bronze tier boots.

Skilled in the ways of keyboard turning. Known handicaps are arthritis and poor eye sight. Known to disappear and reappear due to extra dimensional wife aggro

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I don’t care about power I just care about foxes. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:
I’d destroy the world for foxes if I had to. :dracthyr_uwu: But we the foxes prefer the world not destroyed. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
