To call myself “Evil” is to confine myself to a box… do I look like a fox or a cat to you to curl into a little comfy box?
I think of gear working on the heroes power the way the viruses & such do with the immune system. When first introduced, the new-found power is immense but over time it wanes — as the host accustoms to its properties, ultimately becoming stronger to the point the introduced source becomes inadequate to deal with such strength.
So in a sense, I see all the ‘Heroes’ and ‘Champions’ similar to how much of the world view warlocks — Seeking power through trinkets and other valuables, taking what they will and discarding what they have taken by using it reach higher powerful artifacts to increase their soul’s power.
Essentially we’re all like little godlings, feeding our potential higher and higher as we conquer the universe; paving the way to our ascension!
Oh most certainly.
Our crimes are numberless.
We are not evil. Tell them Mr tentacles!
See, tentacles said we are doing good.
N’Zoth loves us and only wants to help.
The ultimate evil is fluffy bunnies, kitty cats, dorfs, bugs that don’t die when I jump on them, the horsey people, and those weird space goat people that can trick me into thinking they’re my prize cow betsy.
Crosses out evil “Fixed for accuracy!”
Seeing as how you’re an Alliance character… yes. Yes you are.
mines at least an irrational number
We are neither good or evil. We are chaos gremlins.
My alignment is chaotic fox.
Can’t link yet, but check out “Are We the Bad Guys” by Bard City. Funny stuff
If the big bad gives you a quest to slay an important good character, for a higher item level item and 50 gold, would you do it?
Or would that be a line that you would not cross?
Of course we are evil. Azeroth is the world where a police investigation is typically done by killing all suspects until we find the guilty one carrying some evidence.
I am the embodiment of grace and glory, everything I say and do is right.
I covet gold and pie. And if I have to kill every bear on the planet to get gold and pie? Them’s the breaks.
Lissen we’re just the bullets. The quest givers are the ones aiming the gun!
I try to amass as many ‘healing’ trinkets (passive stat trinkets alongside actual healing trinkets) as I can on my main so I can have choices for what I’m doing. I have a Pip’s, Tyrstone, Blossom, Totem. No luck with Star or Blood. Although my evoker has Star, but for healing raid I normally have her with Seed and Tyrstone. If I don’t have an unnecessary amount of trinkets, I don’t have enough trinkets. That being said though, I could do with less mirrors…
I certainly agreed when Talon King Ikiss said “Ra-ak! Trinkets, yes. Pretty trinkets! Ak! Power, great power. Ra-kaw! Power in trinkets! Ak-caw!”