"Are we the baddies?" Self-awareness of the Horde?

In response to the thread title:


I don’t want to argue, especially not about what happens in the novels. But I just wanted to point out 2 things:

  1. The Tauren knew of the Night Elves, and I assume Night Elves also knew of them. However, when the Tauren were being hunted down almost to extinction, the NE didn’t lift a finger to help them. Only reason Tauren is Horde is because Thrall helped them while NE didn’t. If the Night Elves deigned to get off their high horse, Tauren wouldn’t be Horde right now.

  2. Orcs were also used as gladiators in what amounted to state sanctioned blood sport. Where do you think Thrall grew up?


To 1 night elves at that point werrnt part of the alliance so i am not counting them just like i did not count the forsaken who have a good clsim to alliance apathy and or prejudice

And 2 it is not clear how many camps did that the owner of thrall did the galdator stuff not only for profit but to trsin thrall to be a minion to lead sn army. I admited they were cruel snd rather inhumane but well at that point with no knowledge of another landmass there wasnt a place to put them. So it really was 3 options kill thrm all 2 put them in camps with no real plan 3 let them go and pray they dont reorgnize to kill you

can you please tell me what do you mean?
do you know what kind of story they want to tell?
because if you do, then you could save us all from this narrative!

friendly reminder that it was the elfs the ones who abandoned the alliance before the third war.

the same night elves that saved the world 3 times and with malfurion being a hero of the world who protect the reality?
that makes it even worse.


No. :roll_eyes:

{Leans in, curiously contemplating; ready to ask mage to conjure popcorn}
:face_with_monocle: HMMM …

Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Silvermoon was one.

‘Meanwhile at the Silvermoon rave’ -
The drunk Guard: I heard a rumor they burnt Teldrassil??? … hic!
Partygoer: Psssssh, yeah and next you’re going to tell me they gas bombed Lordaeron like that Nightborne guy tried telling us the otherday? Be a doll and fetch me another drink.

Well it’s cannon that Blood elf civilians (Mothers, fathers, sons & daughters), and bystander Blood Elf visitors in Dalaran were caught in the slaughter. Aethas already stated that he acted on his own accord with a few naughty Sunreaver operatives but didn’t act as an entire organisation.

When Jaina says they’ve all got blood on their hands - I believe she’s right (Horde have more though, no doubt).
Yes, I’m sure some Sunreavers did perhaps deserve what they were given; but to say every single one that died by the blade, spell or had an iceberg lodged through their skull or otherwise + remaining survivors thrown into the violet hold prisons “deserve what they got”, then whatever argument you raise for why you believe ‘The Horde has the no-no on their hands’ is right out the window into the Twisting Nether.

So when a Sunreaver approaches and says they’re ticked off, I think it’s fair enough - Just as I feel it’s fair enough when a Nightelf approaches the Horde with an angry sorrowed heart: If you say to someone “Oh no, you can’t be sad or angry because your loved one that died was our enemy & their allies did the naughty so they had to die too. They are in the wrong and deserve what they got.” I guarantee that person will have very violent homicidal thoughts - wanting to raise you into undeath and then do it again.

^ On that note, I believe Pheandra correct on how the entire Alliance can’t just go & whip out a big ole ‘Peace Lantern’ outta their cathedrals and be like “YoHoHo 'Ere ya Go!” in a simple matter (Like the Horde merely simply changing Warchiefs … again), because there’s a lot of unresolved animosity - and many numbers within races on both sides are holding grudges, and it’s okay – because if one loses family and or friends, they have more than every right to do so.

“Every reprisal is itself an act of aggression, and every act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal!” - Taran Zhu

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Friendly reminder that Gilneas did so too but they didn’t welcome the elves back like Gilneas, instead they sent a spy and a hostile force of Night Elves.


I understand you don’t like the story, and I wouldn’t disagree with you. However, I think it’s intellectually dishonest if you just quote one phrase and take me out of context just so that you can make your point. My full sentence was:

HOW they tell their story through cutscenes, phasing in game events and dialogue, the environment, accentuate the quest based storytelling that was in the original game. Just because you don’t like WHAT they’re telling can’t automatically bury the HOW it’s told.

This is isn’t a case of what they are telling.
Its how they are telling it.

Lets use game of thrones as an example.
Eddard Stark’s and Red Wedding were tragic events in the show/books. But GRRM wrote the lead up so well, he covered every plot hole he could to reasonably explain how these events came to pass.

In comparison Dumb and Dumber who had knowledge of the final ending of ASOIAF tried to reduce several books worth of lead up into just 1 or 2 seasons which meant in 2 or 3 episodes they had to make astronomical strides in character development and events to explain the final ending.

What was the result? Disappointment of epic proportions.
I am sure if they bothered to do this 4 or 5 seasons instead 2 they would have the time necessary to explain everything.

This is WoW’s problem. They take shortcuts, they don’t take the time to write and implement their story. Its all rushed, half finished on one hand and they virtue signal and jam the aim of the narrative down our throats with the other hand.
Sylvanas Bad.
Horde Good.
Alliance Good.
Nzoth Bad.
Teamwork Good.
And so on…

Even if all viewable material contradict most of the messages above. Its like all characters function in this vacuum of facts that Blizzard can never seem to be bothered to develop.


Actually, the Alliance, more specifically the Night Elves, did have spies in Gilneas. It’s how they were keeping tabs on the Worgen shenanigans and Forsaken invasion, and were able to begin aiding the Gilneans before the Gilneans in general could even ask for it.

Also, when the Gilneans did come out from behind their wall, and ask the Alliance for help, Genn hadn’t disappeared off the planet under sketchy circumstances with a half-demon, and the general populace of Gilneans didn’t have Fel magic pouring out of their eyes.


I think you tried to be open-minded.
but your goat horns were on the way… so you stayed close minded.


“Blizz is doing a really great job of telling the story of everyone in the world being mentally ill. Their writing may not be what SOME players want, but if everyone on Azeroth was severely brain damaged, BFA is exactly how they would act.”


I don’t get this thread. If your premise is ‘the horde only cares about the horde’ but then you have characters like Baine and Thrall front and center saying otherwise, you’re not just being closed minded you are being willfully blind.

Of course there are NPC’s that express doubts about the war and the Horde’s actions. That’s what most of Saurfang and Zappie Boi’s story have been all about.

Yeah there are NPC’s that think the only good Alliance are dead Alliance and that the Azeroth should be painted red with their blood, but there are plenty examples of Alliance characters like that in Horde questing as well.

It’s not about is one monolithic faction ‘good’ and another monolithic faction ‘evil’. It’s about who is in control of those factions, who is manipulating them, and who is serving their own agenda instead of the best interests of their people.


ill give you baine but thrall hasnt done squat for us yet.

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Well boohoo, the point is OP thinks no one in the Horde thinks about anyone not in the Horde, and while Thrall my be an inactive sack of worg dung, it’s still obvious he has been agonizing over the Alliance, it’s people, and what his choices have done to them just from his interactions with Jaina.

OP is trying to put forth the idea that members of the Horde don’t even think about the consequences of their actions.

Your faction as a whole doesnt care(the horde faction not the players), and even if there are a couple of outliers i will point out to “the majority of the horde supports sylvanas actions”.
From what i see half of your faction doesnt care and wants to kill everyone else starting from us and that is op point in looking for at least evidence that the other half of your faction is going to do something about it but instead we found out they only care about killing us, not saving the planet, not trying to fold for peace no nothing they prefer to die trying to kill us.
as OP[ was trying to do I am talking about the horde faction not the playerbase thats another can of worms, from what i see the horde is split in the sylvanas loyalists and honor horde, i dont have numbers but i bet it must be close to 50-50, but this post isnt about that so ill stop there.

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Well your still wrong regardless. If the ‘faction as a whole doesn’t care’ then there wouldn’t be characters that sit there and tell you how much they care. Dismiss them as outliers all you want, but those are the characters the Horde is meant to rally around regardless of what one NPC thinks about where the hearts and minds of the Horde populace is (and that is Lor’themar’s opinion you are quoting like gospel, btw, not some statistic posted by the devs.)

OP’s point is toothless and your defense of it is inane.

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Yes, I’m sure they are self aware. But I’m not sure why it matters. The Horde and the Alliance have been in an off-and-on again war since forever. And we’re not exactly sitting around worrying about the morality of any of the stuff we have done.

None of us seem to care about our old orc internment camps, or how we opened fire on a ship full of innocent goblins trying to flee their exploding homeland because “no witnesses.” We’re not wringing our hands over the innocent Tauren hunting camp that we decimated, or Jaina racially profiling the sunreavers.

Or how Genn decided to attack the warchief of the horde - literally dedicating troops to hunting her down like a dog during a time when, if I remember correctly, we were supposed to be at ‘peace.’ Which gets mentioned in the latest novella as one of the reasons why Sylvanas attacks our tree in the first place. She doesn’t believe peace can last between the two factions in part because our Wolfboi is tunneling hard on her bum. She does this knowing that it’s HER city and HER people that will likely pay the price.

It’s war, it’s awful and it sucks, but honestly with all the bad blood between the two factions it’s no surprise it went this far. It was kind of inevitable. I don’t see why horde NPCs need to feel awful about it. It’s expected that some will, but I doubt an orc from the internment camp who had human feces thrown at his face is going to shed a tear over a bonfire that helps secure the horde’s borders.


Careful there, ole Pheandra is going to tell you to get on your Horde main, lol.


According to Pheadra, Zerde a is Horde apologist posting on his Alliance alt.

Which sort of tells you all you need to know about Pheadra’s stance. Which, again, makes lectures from Pheadra about “self-awareness” deliciously ironic.