Are we really supposed to believe Talanji and Tyrande are cool with the oposite faction?

As a distraction to get away yes a necessary sacrifice

That isn’t a justifiable reason at all like comparing that to real world events it is basically the equivalent of the Irish capturing and imprisoning a random British person they find because of past actions of the British.


I mean it’s not like fighting the Zandalari is some event buried deep in the past. They were enemies in multiple raids in Pandaria, which was only like four years before BfA.

And depending on what Irish person you ask they’d probably find imprisoning random Brit tourists to be a pretty reasonable activity anyways.


Its not like Talanji could do anything about it.

She can like…make an ok dome shield and thats it. Not gonna be able to stand up to Demi God Jaina even if she was mad.

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I’d rather we just pretend the BfA war didn’t happen tbh. Everything written after Legion has been bad fanfiction with a small handful of standout characters like Bwonsamdi and Denathrius.

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It was less of a war and more of a set of minor skirmishes.

Both factions were working WITH the Zandalari to attempt to prevent the other tribes (primarily the Gurubashi) from succeeding in bringing Hakkar physically into this plane of existence. That was literally the entire point of ZG. And then again in ZG during Cata when Jin’do’s spirit forced it’s way back onto Azeroth and reunited the fractured groups of remaining Hakkar worshipers to try to manifest the blood god physically onto our plane of existence a second time

There were also Zandalari in Notherend during Wrath (originally going there for archaeological/history gathering purposes) attempting to fight the Drakkari once they started throwing in with Arthas.

That was a splinter group that still held to their old alliance/subservience with/to Lei-Shen (that had kicked off more than 11,000 years ago and that had been over for almost 10,000 years after he died trying to conquer Uldum). That batch of Zandalari were the ones who were still in Pandaria after the rise of the Pandaren Empire and the Emperor creating the Mists.


A splinter group led by Zul, who they captured along with Talanji.

And who is still a prominent leader in Zandalar long after his Pandaria shenanigans.

Not really so “splintered”, are they?


If the story mattered it would.

Blizzard tends to follow their gut which got us SLs…which was horrible.

Both of them just going back to focus on their own cities and people during peace time isn’t the same as engaging in love and friendship.


I mean…Alliance did sorta invite him to do so, if anything we should be blaming Anduin with the logic we’re applying here.

They wouldn’t have align with Horde if Alliance didn’t push them into that position in the first place.

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The Alliance just wasn’t okay with them trying to subjugate Azeroth 5 minutes before. If that pushed them to ally with the Horde, it just speaks to the fact that the Horde don’t care about justice or protecting the planet. :man_shrugging:

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At that time no one knew what was the outcome to this not even the Horde,the world changed and we still never looked in the mirror to see the true enemy looking back.

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To be fair, the reason the war started was cause Talanji went looking for the Horde for aide with the Blood Trolls and the Alliance caught them shouting for the Horde. Fast forward to the Horde breaking her and Zul out of the Stockades, burning down Stormwind, and assaulting part of the Alliance navy.

I think Talanji at least somewhat realizes part of Daz’aralor or really most of it was kinda her fault (because in addition to causing the Alliance aggro initially she was also in charge of the battle in Rasta’khan’s stead and got diverted by a feign assault) and is taking responsibility for it… Tyrande… got her come-uppance in SL when she sent Sylvanas to The Maw for presumably a very long and painful grind of collectign 20 souls non-stop.

No… the war started because Sylnanas wanted elf barbecue.

All to free a prisioner that didn’t had any part in the war and was unjustified locked up.
Dazar’alor was anyones fault but the alliance, trying to shift the blame to Talanji for alliance bs is just stupid.


What makes you think that? Lots of countries are at peace despite of what happened in the past and despite of what the individual citizen (or politician) actually thinks of the other country or the people living in it. Being allies =/= being friends and excusing all past mistakes and not holding grudges.

Yeah im not sure how people are exactly blaming talanji for dazar alor because she escaped being unjustly imprisoned.

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Its because otherwise it would make alliance look bad, and we cannot have nuance in our fantasy game can we?

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