is blizzard ever going to stop this madness about "uniting to defeat the common enemy?"if not, then why the hell we even have a faction war?
apparently, in the next patch both sides will be helping the enemy one way or another, because of course that azshara is a bigger threat.
or sylvanas, ANOTHER evil warchief.
But why instead of “telling” us what happens if we don’t unite, they
instead don’t “show” what actually happens when the generic villain gets away with his/her plan?
like, this time, the excalation of the conflict should be extremely high, so now, more than never we need to see the famous “old hatreds” about the cycle of hatred or whatever BS blizzard was trying to do with this xpac.
i think that NOT uniting us while we are at open war would be fresh,new, unexpected and not something that we already done like 50 times.
so we all know what is going to happen next, alliance is going to forgive everything AGAIN while the horde scapegoat it their warchief AGAIN.
and the next patch we are all friends and act like nothing happened.
until some random spirit name another warchief and we all collectively roll our eyes.
if that happens better destroy both factions already because that would mean that they are a joke, both of them.
So it left me wondering what is the purpose of the factions if we are actually friends?
The answer is simple: Gameplay and resources. Can’t write two separate experiences and bosses for the two factions. At the end we have to unite even though it doesn’t make any sense story-wise.
Because originally the factions had real differences and grievances grounded in reality, like resources and the such, as well as bad blood ala orcs doing orc things in the second war and then being put in camps. The factions at this point might as well be the muscle in the body that is world of warcraft, and it’s not going to change, but then you have writers who want to explore ideas that just don’t work in this setting, by which i mean being an mmo with a split faction playerbase. I’m not saying a faction war wouldn’t work, it would, as outlined by other people on this forum if it was actually done well and both sides had real positions to take in it, not this dumpster fire of tripe we’ve been served and told to smile about. A faction war with this level of utter stupid involved should mean horde and alliance would never agree to work together again but we gotta cause once the awful faction stuff is done, there’s still Squid dad, then afterwards they’ll be spooky death entity, then they’ll be Void lords FROOOOOMMM SPAAAAACE. No matter what the people at Blizz say, I think Horde v Alliance is one of the least important things to the Warcraft universe. WC2 really was not the “Core” of anything, you had the good alliance vs the evil horde, just like in original starcraft you had good Terrans and good Protoss against evil Zerg. It’s been quoted by many people, but Warcraft 3 was where there was a Horde they cared about, something they could be invested in beyond Thicc Green Bois r bad, and while Warcraft 3 had faction conflict, the overall theme was unification of different peoples against a greater threat. But this expac is about WC2, so yeah.
Seems unlikely. Sounds like they would go for the opposite:
Three factions…or one?
Since Afrasiabi brought up the Saurfang vs. Sylvanas option, Mitch pressed him about the idea of splitting the Horde into separate factions for each camp. While the idea would be “thematically cool and appropriate for this scenario,” Afrasiabi explained that creating a third faction would really mean splitting up friendships and guilds since factions cannot adventure together. His preference would be the other way: that the Alliance and Horde could group together “one of these days.”
“That is the bigger meta lesson of Azeroth,” he concluded, “that these battles that we fought, even when we are separated, are for the same damn purpose. For our home.”
I’m sick of it myself. I was over joyed about the burning of Teldrassil because I felt like Horde and Alliance would never worked together again.
But nope. Horde and Alliance are working together again, the faction war narrative is going to be hijacked by old god nonsense…AGAIN, and it seems like Blizz is going to use another warchief as an scapegoat for the Horde.
Right? like the thing was created to create “a wound that can never heal” and for some reason, blizzard is trying to “heal” that wound.
And now,here we go again “muh we must unite or we die :(”
next patch we are all singing kumbaya, talanji and jaina become best friends while tyrande is cheering that azeroth is free with saurfang.
Teldrassil … was iffy. I feel like it was better at reinforcing Sylvie’s rule for as long as she’s had it, than actually helping the Horde war effort; but i do understand the sentiment. That being said … Blizz did not really put in the legwork to really balance out the Factions before they went into this Faction Conflict. The Horde has just not benefited from the same influx of Demi-God tier heroes that the Alliance has, and due to this the Alliance had to be handicapped in so many ways…
The Horde was tasked with being the Antagonists in the War that we were constantly told we could never win. Its genuinely hard to get excited about something like that … or feel that faction pride. I am the bipolar badguy in the story where the hero always wins; fighting for a Faction who’s story has been hijacked by the narrative a single character (who has not yet given us HER reasons for wanting the war, so WE don’t know why we’re fighting). Its rather surreal tbh…
Final Fantasy 3/6 ( Japanese/Eng ) one of the best storylines ever in an RPG midway through the bad guy wins and the rest of the game is spent trying to make the best of a bad situation.
I wouldn’t mind if the Horde and Alliance lose the penultimate battle of this expansion (N’zoth, void lords return) and the next expansion is spent fixing the mistakes made in BFA they could even change the major capitals for both factions for that expansion into Ironforge and Silvermoon and have BFA’s failure to “heed the warnings of prophecy” be reflected in Orgs/Stormwinds destruction (or made in habitable) similar to how Undercity and Darnasus is now.
even have the patch content like 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 were you are winning back lost territory to the old gods/void lords, but for once actually dive into consequences of both factions deeds instead of always “unite and win” expac after expac, i would really like to see a “unite… and still lose” just once.
Why would you think that though? About 90+% of the patches in WoW have been primarily about fighting a big bad. (Only exceptions would be 8.1 and the Argent Tournament content. And even that ended with us fighting a servant of the Lich King in the dungeon and raid)
Yeah, BfA is outright the first and only expansion thus far to reference the faction conflict as its selling premise, and really even then, with 8.2 “the Battle for Azeroth” moniker is leaning toward encompassing a more generalized conflict than just the Alliance and Horde fighting over the planet.
Third party threats are arguably necessary as the main focus, or every other expansion would just be “World of Warcraft: Faction War Season ***.”
The problem isn’t the two factions uniting against a common threat, it’s the periodic outbreaks of full-blown war against each other. The story should just stick to a sort of Cold War situation, with local flare-ups and proxy battles.
I personally find it so stupid and outraging, that this was meant to be the Faction War expansion.
Even the opening cinematic clearly has the focus on the Horde vs Alliance war, it ends with the usual Orc vs Human image even!.
We have a War Campaign, one of the raids (While stupid lorewise) is about one faction striking the other. Most of the content is guerrilla warfare against the other faction.
And even if you say ‘‘BatTlE fOr AzeRotH iS tHe BatTlE foR tHe PlAnEt NoT a FaCtIoN war’’ I call it bull$h!t.
Because it WAS advertised as a HvA focus. But no, of course not. All the narrative building up tension between the factions for it to be another MoP. Where we work together, ignoring Teldrassil, ignoring Darkshore being currently plague-bombed. Ignoring the War Campaign. Ignoring the fact we killed one of the Horde’s most powerful allies’ King and the father of Talanji.
That countless soldiers were sacrificed in the BfL and in the BoD. A lot of Kultirans murdered in Brennadam.
Just to work together again without any repercussions? It’s indeed TRASH.
Of course the UNITE TO SAVE THE WORLD!!!1 will never stop because if it did then the writers would have to write one of the factions actually winning and there’s no way they’d have the spine to do something like that.
Decent story writers would have written the Alliance crushing the Horde and used the opportunity to write the Horde and Alliance in a way that would allow both of them to grow and advance the story beyond “World doomed, save it.”
See, the Horde needs to have its face smashed in so it’ll learn that idiotic aggression is only ever going to result in getting your face smashed in and the Alliance needs an overwhelming victory so its high minded ideals and concepts can actually be challenged and put to the test. Both sides get a chance to grow and figure things out.
But instead we have the forced endless faction war, the story stagnating and never advancing beyond it which leads to people like me being able to predict the entire expansion arc by the expansion trailer alone.
If MoP wasnt a clear enough Alliance victory for you i dont know what is, a single faction leader deposed aand in chains, a single factions capital raided, and there was no Brennadam or Darnasus as a “counter evil” for it.
i agree.
i just feel like the factions are now useless now, not sure what is even the purpose of their existence if we aren’t even enemies… we are friends, apparently.
blizzard wants us to unite to fight the world threat? fine, then just don’t start another massive world war and don’t lie to us saying that this is a “muh, faction pride xpac!”
This, i still have some hope that next patch isn’t going to be that bad depending on the contexts of the dialogues… but so far… is not looking good, it’s looking like mop but far more worse.