Are we approaching the end of World of Warcraft?

No, I don’t mean the end of it as a game… well, kind of, but more the end of it like the first game in its series.

With the way things seem to be going, although I have yet to play through the story of BFA still and have no idea how the Shadowlands story is going, I get the feeling that Activision Blizzard could make a WoW 2.

Going off this train of thought, I have been thinking about how this might happen and where we could start, but I do not know where to post this idea. On these forums, on another site, is there even a way to email the WoW team?


Anyway, the primary idea is that we have lost to, or need to retreat from, the Army of the Light, Void corrupted or dying titan Azeroth, or the Infinite Dragonflight (remember those guys?) have set a new plan in motion.
Where do we go? Alternate Azeroth, of course, an Azeroth without the orcs and draenei, the titan Azeroth has created an avatar of itself that has become an entity of its own, and it has a more elemental theme to it, complete with players choosing one of the four.

I do apologize if this is not the place for this topic, but it’s something I have been thinking on and wanted to share.

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The only thing coming to an end is the reign of terror from that awful hedgehog.


Sir you are a true man of culture



Not yet. Not even close.

This expansion we’re just digging up the corpse of legacy to then have it paraded before us on marionettes for the following expansions.

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If they introduce WoW 2 while after theyre deciding to do Overwatch 2. I give up on this company. Blizzard. youre a multi billionaire company. You introduced OVERWATCH 2 with so far insanely little changes.


WoW 2 ? We’re playing WoW 8 right now and soon Wow 9


I guess technically now that I think of it. Classic is wow 2.

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How the heck are you a Vulpera then?


As we see diminished investment in the title we see reduced investment by the players which leads to further cuts in development which leads to less players and so on, but it doesn’t take many players to keep the game profitable. It will be many years before they need to shut it down.

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No it does not, the game keeps running because of Activision investments.

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looks at post count


No don’t bug them, just do a search for wow2 and you will see probably thousands of responses on this very topic.

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1 is PvP. 2 is PvE. They are fundamentally different

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There’s an Overwatch 2? All I’ve heard of is Overwatch: We finally remembered people wanted single player.

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Azeroth at some point is going to need to hatch, being the planet is one big egg.

Im guessing that at some point, when she does, in order to save everyone from being killed during her birth, something like Re-Origination will occur to seperate her from the planet without killing everything, restructuring the world and paving the way for WoW 2.

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The old horse has some flogging left in it, that’s for sure. I mean it keeps vomiting out money and no pop culture is safe from being reinvented Blizzard-style. Stranger Things have happened.

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Oh you didn’t read Marvels by Alex Ross? Yeah, best get on that. :wink:

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Upside down? Shadowlands? Dear god the rabbit hole…

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Do you have any concept on how long and how much money it would take to develop a new MMO?

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Well, there’s good reason for contemplating this, even if you had been through the BfA story and the introduction to Shadowlands.

1.) I think this expansion was the last gasp of an attempt to keep plausible ongoing enmity between Alliance and Horde as a binary faction system. Nobody’s heart is in it, and the story always ends with some measure of cooperation, peace-making, and truce.

The game is now old enough that I was too young to vote the first time I played a game in the Warcraft franchise, and my daughter will be old enough to vote in the next mid-term election. So…there’s that. How long can this Human v. Orc tension be held? Many of us are sick to death of it, and we’re exhausted with the now threadbare and forced nature of the 2-faction story. It doesn’t work anymore.

Like many of WoW’s veteran players, I’m very much a Darkspear Forever! kind of gal, and I’m very, “I don’t make jokes; I make money” in my dark little Goblin heart…but also I play a Night Elf Druid and a Human Rogue and a Dwarven Shaman for the Alliance. Very few of us actually have serious emotional ties to our own faction. Sure, there are some, but not many. We need new and different teams to ally ourselves with and root for.

2.) There has been a LOT of talk about time skipping on Azeroth while we’re in Shadowlands. When we come back down to earth, so to speak, after conquering the Jailer and sorting out Sylvanas’ latest emperor god-king machinations in the underworld…a lot of time will have passed back home.

The planet of Azeroth is a giant egg with a titan baby inside of it that will one day hatch. Where will we go? What does that mean? How long can the story be belabored before we have to deal with that reality?

Will we get on a shiny Draenei ship (I wouldn’t recommend it; they all crash) and go to another planet? Will everything get reset?

We just don’t know.

So, OP, your question is not out of left field. A lot of us are asking these kinds of questions.

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Bfa signaled the day the last of the original game died. Someone said we are supposed to advance 50 years when returning from shadowlands. If that’s not bad story I don’t know what is. But I guess it would be new.

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