Nope there is a lot of content for Blizzard to work with.
To Vadimier
I have not finished any of the campaigns other than the 3 main ones in Zandalar and opening the others for world quests to unlock and level a Vulpera… which was about 2 months ago. The last think I knew, story-wise, was that Rastakhan was betrayed by Zul and fatally stabbed.
To Kaurmine
I… am very scared of posting on forums due to past experiences. It took me a week to build up the courage to post this topic, and even then I had to really think what I wanted to post.
I know there are thoughts and ideas for a WoW 2, but, like any fan, I wanted to share my idea with the creators directly. I did not want to post this to the public at first, but I couldn’t find anything for emailing ideas to the WoW team.
To Meriweather
Your first note really speaks to me and does play a major point in my original draft for this post, but was scrapped due to my own fears.
With how often the Horde and Alliance work together, it makes me want to join one of these factions of the past and follow them throughout the story… except most of those just stop at that expansion.
Your second point follows my thinking for the new and alternate Azeroth planet. The story of the world feels broken and incomplete, much like the barrens when leveling there and trying to get across that the chasm.
A world we geologically know, but the people and stories are different.
Fundamentally would mean the game plays differently yet its the same game with a pve aspect yet same characters, same levels. Saying 1 is fundamentally different isnt right. Only one part is different.