Are we almost done with DF?

It depends on whether or not a 10.3 patch is on the horizon. Only having 3 raids is rather bad.

The duality of man.


Don’t assault me with the reality of my age :sob:

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Hahahaha, you could at least try to make those numbers a bit realistic.

6 milion subs to break even means WoW cost over 1b dollars per year to develop. Include marketing and misc costs and it would make WoW the most expensive game to develop of all time by a factor of 100x.

If we include the cost of development during the alpha/beta period of vanilla WoW. The total development cost (excluding marketing etc) of WoW from its inception up until today would just barely reach ~$24B. Enough to build a small city.

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I’m so old I’m nearly immortal. :rofl:

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