Are Void Elves really High Elves?

I’m not even sure how many are left after those wars.

I have friends who were an afterthought. Can’t hold it against them.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :point_down:

Void elves are the redneck uncle who ruins every Christmas meal version of high elves.


I’m convinced the initial plan for the Alliance was Vrykul and Broken. Like let me live in my alternate (best) reality delusion ty

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skin tune hehe

You think that’s nuts?

If you go back 10,000+ years, you could have a (very large) family from Suramar where one sibling is a night elf, one is a naga, one is a spider elf, one is a nightborne, one is a satyr, and thanks to Lorash messing up the lore on short elf ages, they could also have more siblings where one of those is a void elf, one’s a blood elf, and one’s a high elf.

Depending on choices and locations. And I’m not even throwing all the elf mutation options in there. Elves are bonkers, my friends.

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But they are

Talk about awkward family gatherings.

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The carefulest table at Pilgrim’s Bounty, until the yams start flying.


No, they’re not. They’re Blood Elves who were kicked out of Silvermoon for their void shinanigans.


Blood Elves are also High Elves


Over my very dead body.

All three Windrunner sisters were High Elves, as the title of Blood Elves hadn’t existed yet — That was only created after the events of the Scourge to honour the fallen.

Todays High Elves & Blood Elves are culturally, biologically and magically the same – The only difference is political. Before you state otherwise / it’s to do with the fel (as many do) — The fel had nothing to do with the name of the people.

Now, as for Void Elves:

  • The origins of the Void Elves was a cluster group of Blood Elves (NOT Alliance-aligned High Elves) — That were exiled for study into the void due to its threat to the Sunwell & some mild connections with the betrayer Dar’Khan Drathir. As we know, that group of Blood elves then got trapped, infused with void and then ultimately accepted Alleria’s offer to join the Alliance.

  • There’s now Blood Elf & High Elf pilgrims that are visiting the rift, so one could speculate that they’re increasing their ranks from who were originally created - with those who are interested.


Put them all together, make them neutral and watch the sky fall for some drama queens. One can dream… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

High Elves (race): high elves, blood elves, void elves

High Elves (political party): either belves or velves can RP it, but there is no playable high elf “faction”, so to speak.


It’s cool that we can still chat together though, was nice (and logical) for Blizzard to allow it.


The secret third faction :shushing_face:

Sounds like a great expansion idea tbh.

World of Warcraft: Elfageddon

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Considering how vocal some elf players are… I would welcome a third elf faction. ^^