Are Trolls originally old god creations?

So when we look at the History of Azeroth we know there were the Elemental first who fought one another and there were no other beings present.

The Old gods then landed and started spewing forth the first flesh like beings which overwhelmed the Elemental’s and subdued them.

Now we have been shown pictures of Humanoid beings of the Old gods building the black empire. What if these were Trolls were created by the old gods as slaves to build their empire?

So when the TItan keepers and the other titan creations defeated the black empire. We know the troll empire happen quite some time after the Old gods were locked away and after the titan creations started to become affected by the curse of flesh and went to sleep.

Perhaps the Trolls had broken away from the black empire at this time and had a civil war. Managed to defeat them and create their own nations.

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We don’t really know how trolls came to be, but it’s been pretty implicitly implied that they’re a naturally spawning, non-titan and non-old god race. That being said, it is a grey area. I strongly doubt they’re spawns of the old gods, because at this point they’d have said so.


Trolls came to be long after Old Gods were imprisoned by Titans. AND Trolls were the first species to rise up fighting against them.

I’d sooner believe that Wild Gods had a hand in creating them.


Simply, no,

We know the origin of the Trolls. We also know they fought against the Aqir and saved Azeroth from the Old Gods influence.
Chronicles 1 is describing how Trolls came to be and it has nothing to do with Old Gods, their oldest enemy.
Trolls are a native race to Azeroth. No old god influence what so ever.

That’s how trolls came about.
Also the timeline doesn’t add up at all for your take.

With all of this in mind, it’s quite a silly idea.

We can speculate if Trolls came from Elemtals, looking at the Zandalari and their strange, never explained, rock like (or scale? what the heck are those?) bumps on their bodies. Even their eyes could fit this idea.


Given Chronologically Trolls post-date the Other Side, I have a feeling whatever the origin of Mueh’zala is also created the Trolls.

Wasn’t Mueh’zala a shape shifting loa? Or did I miss something in Shadowlands? Sadly he wasn’t explored very much.

Shape shifting loa of unclear origins, Winter Queen seems familiar with him as with Bwonsamdi

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Trolls while not being a direct titan creation, Chronichles basically confirmed they are a titan by-product. The seeds for all natural life was sown by the titans during the ordering of the planet ans the energy from the well of eternity kick started the growth of life and helped it flourish.

So no titans, no trolls


Nah unlike all the other races that came up accordingly, they aren’t attributed to neither Titans nor Wild Gods


Honest question here, but do we know that for certain?

We know that the zones in the Shadowlands haven’t always been in their current form. Ardenweald existed as some weird fungal zone or some such before the Winter Queen arrived, according to our favorite mushroom to tend.

Just curious if we have confirmation that De Other Side does predate the trolls.

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I mean ya they werent directly created by the titans but its still confirmed they are a titan by product.

The titans created the well of eternity, the well is filled with Azeroth (a titans) blood/power

No titans, no well, no well, no trolls

Per The Chronicles, Trolls were accelerated natural life that was pushed along by the Well of Eternity. Not Old God. But yeah, without the Titans putting in G’hanir, no Trolls.

Aside from the Elementals, Earthen, etc.

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While true, this doesn’t make them a titan creation or titan byproduct. It makes them Titan influenced. A change I don’t like, but it is what it is.

You could say first fleshy things, or mortals. I don’t really care.
It’s interesting to me the Aqir were the first large threat to the Trolls though.


Yeah Mueh’zala is older than the Trolls, as Bwonsamdi is a proto-Troll

We don’t know that actually; one of the Broker quests to the Other Sides mentions a mask of another civilization; the adventurer doesn’t recognize it as a Troll mask

Chronicles doesn’t describe them as created by that though, but gives (or speculates) an explicit origin otherwise for the other races.

The specific root of Trolls is still both unclear and unspeculated within the narrative.


The G’hanir lore book indicates that without Titan intervention, natural life wouldn’t have happened. Hence why they made the tree to seed the world. Alongside the one lady, Eonar’s daughter?

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Save the old gods and their minions, before the ordering of the planet, Azeroth was a lifeless wasteland.

All ife on Azeroth comes from the Keeper Freya, who sowed the seeds for all natural life, spreading out from her ‘sanctuaries’ and using the dream.

She planted the seeds and the well was like…a mega fertilizer which super sped natural evolution. So what normally would have taken tens of millions of years, only took thousands.

Sure there is the off chance that trolls come from their own unique source but the fact of the matter is.

We have two known lore facts

1- the titan keepers sowed the seeds for all natural lifr

2 - the troll race as we know them came about because of the Well

So…put 2 and 2 together

This incorrect, according to chronicles which is a book still canon: they are a result of the Titan keeper Freya, one of Eonar’s spawn, tinkering with life in life pools and hubs of vitality across Azeroth…as are the Wild gods and all natural life on Azeroth. The Trolls and other ancestors of modern WoW races on Azeroth first came about as either a result of Titan keeper experimentation via Freya OR directly descended from the keepers themselves via constructs made by them… Trolls then additionally were mutated by The well of Eternity, an unnatural phenomenon caused by the Titans.

In the perspective of the Titans.


I recall one quest calling the dogbar something like rock troll. I think they were the troll precursors.

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God-like beings whose perspective isn’t contradicted otherwise on the matter seems pretty solid.

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