Are these April fools changes? DK

The set ideas are terrible. Adding more RNG to the RNG fest that is FDK.

DK survivability changes are terrible. We are going to flop over to physical damage more than we do already. Bloodforge armor needs to be buffed to 6-10 seconds, or buff Runic protection substantially if you move forward with these asinine changes.

Taking Dead of Winter away when every class has way more control and its the only way FDK, already a bottom feeder, can compete in pvp.

It is embarrassing someone thought these were a great idea. Great excuse to play SWTOR again or try something else. I’ll give my gold to my guildies.

Where are the changed to make 2h viable? Too lazy to use your tuning mechanism MotFW? How hard is it to bake Fallen crusader into MotFW so 2h can use shattering builds without taking a big hit. Degenerate design.

I don’t think I have ever been this annoyed by a development team ever. Embarrassing.

Show me on the doll where the scary FDK touched you. I really have given up providing rational feedback without using ad hominems because it doesnt matter anyway.

Devs can kick rocks. Playing something else. I sound like a child but do not really care at this point.


dk dps survivability will be fine. right now they are basically unkillable other then scripted one shots. they currently have more hp than some tank classes basically even with the changes they will be fine.


Go play pvp in a warrior/hunter/WW lobby.


this is just dumb every class will have others that counter them and complaining that x class comp will kill x class is just silly.

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This is why I can’t stick to one class anymore. :confused:


Ret, feral, and rogue lobbies too

Are you taking about UH? They have extra survivability though necro wounds and blood plague.

FDK can absolutely die easy, especially into physical damage. All of our survivability is in the form of self healing, so high dampening scenarios like SS mean after 2mins we are very vulnerable.


Why is every DK change just >>>> >Nerf frost dk. WTF is blizzard on thinking dks are even a problem at this point.

Even more of a reason to only play BDK PVE or PVP


So what about all the buffs this expansion?

Bandaid on a amputation.

6 expacs of nerfs aren’t mended by 1 patch of buffs

(Especially when you nerf them the very next patch)

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UHDK doesn’t have a stun and they can still compete, Dead of Winter is not essential to the spec if the damage is already op.

What about the buffs in those expansions?

Sorry but DK hasnt been constantly only nerfed.

Yes it does.

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LOL What? UHDK is far superior and has a much better tool kit. They are nowhere close to the same. Apples and Oranges my man.

Everything is tied to Pillar which is super easy to counter, and their bright idea is to take away one of the only things that makes us competitive and replace it with something that is again tied to pillar. Oh, DK popped pillar. CC/Disarm/Run. GG.

Continuing the discussion from Undermine(d) Development Notes:

Pure trash

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Nerfing dk (especially frost dk) is so common its become a meme. RMP too strong? Nerf FDK


No, it doesn’t once Asphyxiate is a better option and replaces the stun.

asphyxiate is the stun. Strangulate is the silence.


Yes, that, thank you.

The point is that Unholy doesn’t really play with a stun in SS, it did in DF when the stun was not replaced by the silence, but Strangulate is just much better overall in fights with healers.

The problem with Frost is that it’s very gimmicky and it doesn’t require high skills to play it, it’s way worse than simply removing a stun. They should make Frost a bit more interesting and complex so they have more stuff to buff/nerf.

It’s also a problem we have extremely easy specs as very OP like BM hunter, where there’s no skill required and you still outplay specs that are much more complicated simply because you have more damage. That’s a different topic but specs like BM hunter or Havoc DH shouldn’t be extremely op, ever. Although every spec should be decent. The problem with easy specs like these, including FDK, is that they are either extremely strong or extremely weak since there isn’t much to them. Poor designed specs, such as MM hunter, also suffer from the same problem.

This looks like it’s designed for BGB.

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Yes, it is delusional that DK is always on the chopping block. You are blocking out all the times that it has been buffed.

Yes it does. Let me guess, you just let your pet do whatever it wants and you dont do things like leap gnaw combos or anything like that and then say things like “Unholy doesnt have a stun” when it absolutely does not counting Asphyxiate.

It might be a short duration stun, but its still a stun.

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Not anymore. The heal is being removed.