Are There Any Classic Era Servers NOT Dominated By GDKPs?

Just have to understand that just because you want to pug raids doesn’t mean you are granted a spot over someone who’s been with the group longer or offers the group more being consumes or being a shot caller etc.

You have to be very humble to pug in Era unless you gdkp.

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I have to admit the attitude you have towards raiding is sort of a GDKP’er mindset but not wanting to GDKP. That’s fine, just, don’t really expect to get beyond BWL without putting in more work. That being said, in 2019 I had tons of fun pugging MC weekly and just playing super casual, so if thats your jam, have at it.

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I’m not expecting to go into Naxx as a pug ya’know, but MC, BWL, ZG I don’t see why I couldn’t, not like they’re particularly hard.

Yes, Grobbulus has two active raiding guilds (one per faction). Our server shuns the existence of GDKP, meta hype, whatever. We just love good old vanilla wow and friendly folks on our small town micro server. It’s not for everyone, we have no AH, there’s no wpvp or many others leveling in the world (very end game focused server).

But boy is it pure. Been my favorite wow experience yet tbh. We intend to keep it small but folks who are curious are welcome to join us.

Legacy, the alliance guild, just celebrated our 3rd year of existence. Onwards to 4! We defeated KT this March for the first time and are working on getting him to farm status. Our core is about 30 people… we had KT down to 8% last week with that group. So close! This new world buff would have meant a kill (for better or worse, I’d still prefer not having the new Stormrend buff).

We have no real attendance requirements, class/spec requirements (just a silly debuff limit that prevents some specs), no consume/buff requirements… just looking for friendly players.

Requiem, the horde guild, is unfortunately bolstering their forces and making good progress on BWL. Horde scum…

Anyways, curious minds, check it out. :cheese: :beers:

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Deviate Delight.

Transfers are locked. We do not have bots that farm resources and then transfer off.

Black Lotus are 20g in AH.

Come play wow the way it was meant to be played.

No one, imo, would complain about gkccp if gold buying was stopped.

Your best bet is Private at this point.

Mankirk Horde.

There is 1 GDKP, and they just took the summer off. I don’t know if they will return.

Any SR Horde Guild OR EPGP …in (Whitmane Cluster) wanna join with new healer…

The Benediction/Faerlina cluster only has one guild Ally side, but it is non GDKP.