Are There Any Classic Era Servers NOT Dominated By GDKPs?

As the title asks, are there any classic era servers out there that aren’t dominated by GDKP, excluding the current community fresh server. My mains are on Whitemane and it’s nothing but GDKP’s. Yes I know I can try and make a group for things, but that’s not what I’m asking. I wanna play on a server where GDKP isn’t the real only way to play.


These realms are the GDKP realms. If its not listed, its basically not a GDKP realm.

Arcanite Reaper

There are normal guilds however on these servers who do not GDKP (the guild I am in does not), and there are also SR (soft res pugs) and MS/OS (main spec / offspec pugs) to play with in chat.

While I am not personally a GDKP enjoyer, it does have some merits.

  1. You are not out gold after the run because the run pays you to play, and because of this you can then turn around and buy more consumes to run the next run, and repair if needed.
  2. they’re normally more organized, serious and better run and less toxic than SR or MS/OS runs, because the players come with consumables and buffs, and know their class and arent there for parsing or flexing the DPS meter, but instead to buy some item that has eluded them, and will likely elude them in any MS/OS or SR run where players skip reserving / rolling on items for idiot reasons.

Things to can do to avoid a bad GDKP.

  1. you do not need to buy gold to participate; if the run requires buyers and asks you for your budget; they’re thirsty and its a scam / scuffed run.
  2. if the Raid is not Naxx and the host cut is greater than say 2% its a scam, and they don’t know WTH they’re doing.
  3. If you see GDKP advertised in trade chat its likely scuffed and not to be participated in.

Whiles I personally don’t GDKP, I don’t think its the problem… the real issue is players who BUY gold, but this is exceedingly rare on Era, as we don’t have a botting problem here.

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My advice would be to check out the Mankirk cluster on Alliance side.

Make a human character on there and join /lookingforgroup during normal playing hours and listen in while running to Stormwind.

I suspect you’ll see more Soft-Reserve advertisements than GDKP. When you get to the city, you can (politely) ask some people about SR and GDKP raids, and ask for advice/suggestions about guilds.

I’m not big into raiding myself, but there seem to be plenty of levelling/raiding guilds that do SR runs and look for more members. I can’t speak to the quality of any of that, which I’m sure varies, but I can tell you that there are lots of good people to play with on that cluster, and most players are helpful and laid-back.

The SR runs I do on Mankrik tend to be cleaner than GDKP on Whitemane, partially because there are a uh, lot of company account mages, in low level whitemane GDKP.

So…all the servers that actually have people playing.

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Another way to phrase this might be that you are willing to reroll or transfer to raid with a group that is not using GDKP.

Though, since you explicitly state:

I suspect you aren’t considering rerolling or transferring, so perhaps you are simply wondering if there are any non-GDKP raiding groups on the Whitemane cluster (I don’t think you mentioned which faction).

I haven’t been playing Era, but are there not still SR and other (non-GDKP) type raids advertised in the Classic Whitemane discord, among other places? I used to attend a 2SR weekend MC raid on Whitemane where there were a couple of people consistently trying to get bindings or a ring, enough that there was a small core (4 or so) from a guild and they didn’t care about anybody’s gear, skill, or parses.


I checked out Mankrik. Doesn’t seem like my kinda place. That server has like no class balance. There’s massive amount of Warriors, Rogues, and Mages there and a very tiny bit of the other classes, and the others aren’t often invited to raids there it seems, with Warlocks mainly being used to summon lazy people. And a lot of people I’ve talked to from there say that it’s a super sweaty place.

Best of luck to you.

DD doesnt… for now. Who knows later on

They just announced that GDKPs are okay to do, so now people are planning on them on the server Discord lol

Mankrik cluster has 5-8 naxx guilds running weekly and plenty of 40 man pugs. On the weekends the cluster numbers rise to whitemane’s player counts from friday to monday.

Depending on the class you pick though will decide your raid times. If you pick a mage or rogue you’ll have hell finding naxx spots and dungeons will feel barren in lfg cause 100’s of other mages/rogues will be making groups.

There are also trusted gdkps on the cluster just for consume gold and most of them ban gold farmers and suspicious account wealth players.

Only sweats that exist on mankrik is PnD(pugs not drugs) and maybe Encore

That’s the problem, I’m primarily a pugger. And I main War. I prefer to pug because I just don’t wanna adhere to raid schedules, the games not that important for me.


I used to regularly see Pug MC/ZG and AQ forming on Mankrik at pretty much all hours, if thats any help.

Sadly even for a pug you’ll have to adhere to raid times and days or they simply wont bring you for the 2nd week clears because you’re inconsistent.

That’s just a fact. Otherwise you’re stick getting into the sweaty guilds that do 1 night naxx and mc/bwl clears if your schedule is that tight.

if you want to play a meme spec, there is hope…

Ok, hold your breath a moment and hear me out.

GDKP is your answer, and I’m not promoting gold buying because its not needed.,

Simply get your meme spec preraid BiS, take it seriously, get world buffs and consumes, boon… Actually take it seriously and you will have a slot as a hybrid buyer… This doesn’t mean you’ll be required to buy, but that you seek to do so.

Additionally you will be able to afford consumes for next raid.

Good luck.

Basically yes, the ones with players on them,

So if the pug scene requires that you show up each and every week for the pugs you wont get invited? That’s not a pug then, that’s just a guild. The point of pugs are freedom.

The consistency only applies to pugs that need more than 1 night to clear aq40 or naxx. Anything else is “free”

Ah well that’s fine then. I’d hate to not finish a raid I started anyways.