Are the price hike rumors true?

I was looking at google news and one of the recommended articles was on blizzard (microsoft) raising the price of membership. It mentioned going from 15 to 20 a month. If 20 goes well then their goal is 25 per month. I personally think 25 is reasonable since prices haven’t increased in decades, but thought there might be some push back. What do you guys think about the rumor. Anyone else hear about it?


/10 chars


I have just heard the rumor, from you!


All I’m seeing is a raise in price for 365, as it’s getting split up or something. That was announced in April. Not seeing anything otherwise.

im also seeing a raise in price for guscorn.

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This is first I’ve heard of it, but wouldn’t shock me. I’m sure the wages they pay their employees have risen over the years, right? As long as they share the wealth with the artists who bring us the game, I won’t mind.

Only thing I found was this

:rofl: Oh man, thank you. I needed a good laugh. :joy:


No. Because it’s probably not a thing. The only Microsoft related rumors I could find are about another potential game pass price increase from May.

Price hikes on box price sure, but an increase in subscription price would be a massive mistake.


This post sounds like some anonymous worker for Microsoft wrote it…

“let’s create a new rumor about a price increase and see how it goes… Hey, let’s say we’re increasing prices by up to 60% just for kicks.”

They also haven’t listened to the players. If they do what everyone is telling them to do with affixes before next season, I’ll pay whatever they want. But if they go forward with things the way they stated they are, I won’t even give them gold to play this game.

Rumor with no link = report spam. This is a deservice.

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That is on Steam, a 3rd party platform hosting Blizzard games. Those are also purchase prices, not subscriptions. Steam has price cuts all the time, so those increases aren’t really my concern. Imo, Microsoft is forcing the price increase so they can pull people from those platforms to the Xbox network for lower prices. It’s a marketing tactic.

I’d imagine if there was anything to this, WoWhead would have covered it already. All is quiet on that front.

No link. A website address was provided.

Never heard of “” before.

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That wasn’t from the OP, is from 2023, and is about Steam price increases…and well, WoW isn’t on Steam or even listed in the article.


The only article relating to this I could find is from March of this year, and does not suggest any price increase is forthcoming.

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Ah, so for different countries. Not much different than what happened with WoW prices for some countries.

Steam doesn’t set the prices of their games, the companies do.