Are the First Ones stronger(potentially) then Azeroth?

So, Azeroth is one of our last best hopes at beating the Void Lords if they every come into the planes of reality. However, now that we know about the First Ones exist the big question is are they as strong as her? And shouldn’t the denizens of the mortal planes be actively trying to find them to potentially help us stop these 6 way wars currently occurring due to the various elemental forces trying to kill each other?

Azeroth has more plot armor than Sylvanas.


You say that
But what if Azeroth needed a mortal vessel to ascend, and merges with Sylvanas, thus combining the plot armor into one

So … Kaldor Draigo?


Who says the First Ones aren’t actually the Pantheon of the six forces? Everyone one of them were the first deity emerged from the cosmic lore

Obviously of course, no matter who gets inserted between now and then, it will still fall down to us.

Azeroth has been a constantly needy child since we first found out about it, and I don’t expect it to change any time soon.

  1. Anything new is potentially stronger than Azeroth.
  2. Most entities view the Void as a distant threat.
  3. The First Ones are a big retcon, so obviously the characters are just learning about them too. And they have to stop Sylvanas first.
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To be fair it no longer too distant of a threat especially with how Bastion was portrayed as nearly being defeated by one of its armies.

On that note, one of the Kyrian sacrifice themselves to instantly wipe out said army. This does bring another question of how strong the various eternal ones are as well.

What if the First Ones, in making the universe and everything including the Shadowlands, were drained of almost all their power? They are still able to do amazing things, such as Elune and her various deeds, but in terms of power they aren’t as all powerful as one would think a creator of the universe would be because they sacrificed their power to create everything.

snorts warp dust


I feel you overuse the pancakes too much in your comments.

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It used to be :cactus:


Man you missed the warp dust reference?!

Also I play 40k and have around 8000 points of Grey Knights…they’re my main love in 40k

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Have you ever eaten … a tangerine?

Back when I still played tabletop I played Dark Angels.


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I still play, was going to go to LVO again this year, but will probably need to cancel.

Haven’t really played this year due to covid, but it did allow me to focus more on painting

My running theory is Azeroth actually IS a First One, a secret they tried to hide from others by disguising her as a Titan until she was ready. Her job is to serve as a balancing agent and keep any force from gaining supreme power.

Therefore, we have access to First One technology because we are her Champions and inherited her access rights, basically.

So. Trick Question, if I am right.

Who says that the First ones would help us if we did find them? Hell, the whole thing could be working as intended as far as they are concerned. It is a huge assumption that the First ones would see Mortals as more than ants. There is nothing to suggest they are particularly benevolent. After all, they set everything up, and that would include the Void and the Twisting Nether.

Perhaps Sargaras actually cottoned on to the fact the entire universe was structured by someone and that structure and how it functioned horrified him into going ‘burn everything down’. There seem to be notable similarities in his mindset and why Sylvanas justifies what she did.

Of course, the First ones could also not have been particularly powerful in their own right as beings but just very advanced having powerful tech. It seems likely if they set everything up that they would know what is going on so either they are choosing to be hands off or something happened to them/was going to happen to them and the thing they created is all that remains. We still don’t know what the Purpose is.

So, the obvious answer is “who knows?” Because we know jack-all about the First Ones, except they existed and maybe still exist. And they made stuff.

If I can build a car, am I stronger than the car? Heck no. If I try and fist-fight that car, it won’t end well for me. But if I build a paper airplane? I have at least a 70% chance of winning that fight!

So, who knows?

No because the first ones are male.

I’m thinking more like Kerrigan and Oros.