Are the First Ones stronger(potentially) then Azeroth?

I mean, I feel like most planets do. After all, look at all the crap we’ve put Earth through, and it’s still around.

We don’t even know who the first ones are or were or the extent of their power so it’s pretty hard to say at this point. Presumably, they ordered the Shadowlands and had a hand in establishing the Pantheon of Death so my first thought is that they would be mightier than the Titans.

We’re going to get a turtles all the way down scenario where we keep discovering gods/beings that are more powerful than the Titans and then a few expansions later discover the gods/beings that made those gods/beings.

“If you’d like to lodge a complaint about the fundamental ordering of the cosmos, I’ll have to send you to the 600th floor.”

I have absolutely zero doubt whatsoever about this. As soon as we meet a First One in person we’re going to learn about Even Older Ones, just like how as soon as we met the Titans in person in Legion this story arc started.

Blizzard is always trying to one-up itself lately, making everything bigger than what came before. To the setting’s detriment, imo.

The First Ones will be as powerful or weak, as competent or inept, as attentive or aloof, as the story the Devs want to tell dictates them to be.

One patch we may see a First One shove a finger into the Maw, pull the Jailer out, and fling him into oblivion like a booger.

The next patch we may see the Jailer come back and wreck said First One so hard they didn’t even have a chance to blink before they got dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Such is the way of WoW.

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I’m not saying it is a distant threat. Just that mortals seem to view it that way as of now.

In-game answer: there is no way to meaningfully answer this question because we haven’t seen Azeroth anywhere near her full power.

Meta answer: Azeroth has to remain the strongest force in the universe because otherwise there will be insufficient stakes when the next big bad tries to lap up her gooey egg yolk :fried_egg: