Are Ret Paladins as bad as people say?

I leveled a paladin 1-70 in BC, mained for the entire expansion. I also leveled a warrior 1-70 in TBC, and ended up maining him Wrath-WoD, before swapping to DH in Legion.

In original vanilla I played a Rogue, but was terrible and didn’t even hit level cap before TBC came out. I didn’t really learn to play until mid-TBC.

I am trying to decide between maining Ret or 2h Fury/Arms, I love both. I have never played on a private server, and so I don’t really know if Ret is as bad as people say. If they are bad, I’m not exactly sure why they’re bad.

Any thoughts would be appreciated

They aren’t bad. They just weren’t good. For the most part: You would put a seal on the enemy and just auto them to death.


Which isn’t a bad thing in the grand scheme of things as sure: you didn’t have like 20 abilities to press during a fight like other classes but you at least knew your damage was consistent and knew where the damage was coming from.


Nah, they fine.

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They can put out enough DPS for any DPS check in Vanilla, they just don’t do as much as the top tier builds for Warrior, Rogue, or Mage.

Which some people will call them bad because of the difference in damage output.

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Well not any dps check… there are some a full raid of them would fail to hit. They are passable to BWL give or take a bit. After that they have to be carried a bit.

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Yeah man, thank you, you’ve actually refreshed my memory. I actually remember the constant auto attack grind lol

Ret is legit I can solo every melee class in the game (if I started with all cds up)

Yeah. Rets smacked some fools up in PvP

When properly built they can pass even Patchwerk’s DPS check.

Which has more to do with the fact that when you know how to optimize a character in Vanilla all the DPS checks are actually really low, but still.

All ret paladins are bad people. Facts


Can confirm. The first real DPS check you will run into is, I believe, Ragnaros. On my guild’s first Ragnaros kill, I recall more than a couple of ret paladins in our raid.

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And just to add, Vanilla/Classic was a very gear dependent landscape. As others have said here, ret paladins are not optimal for DPS. So unless your guild’s loot policy is very liberal, you will see a lot of tasty drops going to more primary DPS. Want an Ashkandi? You will get one- when all of the warriors are done with them. Same for Dark Edge, etc.

Although you may get yourself a Sulfuras since it’s more cosmetic/ego than a legit DPS weapon.

Even with the bonus damage to undead I am skeptical of that… still you do you. Just don’t really expect seeing them as anything besides healers as the norm.


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As a fan of ret, it is a pretty big difference…

No ones wants a ret unless they are the only pally just for the buffs, go holy you have a better chance to get in raids.

My heart goes out to anyone leveling a Paladin in classic. Others have mentioned that it’s just judge/seal/afk for 10 seconds, but it never gets better than that. So so boring even by vanilla standards. Not to mention in a raid they’re just waiting for proc of command to elevate their damage from nonexistent to merely bad.

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incorrect on all fronts…