Are PVE servers bad?

I’m not downplaying people who perfer that, but why play on a pve server if your gonna flag yourself pvp? And usually when you get camped you just res sickness and go to another zone or call for backup, thats what I usually do but :man_shrugging:

The reason those people are on PVE servers, is because of that attitude from some PVP’ers. I have seen in games where trouble making people pretty much cleared servers because people just get tired of being ganked and camped.
PVE/PVP servers are a whole different game.
PVE is much more relaxed and controlled, with a taste of pvp when you choose.
PVP is just what it is. Chaotic, frustrating, rewarding, and so much more goes on than the PVE content.

For example, on Grobbulus Thursday, suddenly a huge party of players form, and decided to raid the enemy.
I honestly don’t even know who started it, but there were so many people it started layering the server. There were multiple raiding groups on both sides, in Ash, through the Barrens.
Total chaos. Towns from both sides being over-run at times.
You simply will never experience this on a PVE server.
The experience on Grob has been excellent EXCEPT for the layering, causing groups to have trouble gathering.
Sure there are good and bad people you will run into, but hey, we didn’t get dressed up for nothing!

This 100x. I’m so over world pvp. I like instanced PvP; but wpvp has never been fun to me even on retail and I’m glad to have the PvE option.

In response to OP, there’s virtually no other difference in servers besides the fact you aren’t pvp-flagged anymore. General chats are calmer and to me more enjoyable since nobody is complaining about gankers and campers

Rogues are scissors. Warriors are rocks. Paladins, Priests, Hunters, Druids, Mages, and Shamans are paper. Warlocks are mushrooms.

Scissors beats paper. Paper beats rock. Scissors also happen to beat rock. Until rock hits level 60 and then also beats paper, and would beat scissors, but it can’t find scissors, because scissors are invisible. So scissors beats paper and avoids rock, and that is called balance.


And Scissors can’t do anything other than blind unless it’s in melee range.

Most of coward fight encounters are in PVP, like 99% of the time.

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World PvP still happens on PvE servers, it’s just you get to choose whether you get involved or not. There was a mass battle happening in the Scarlet Monastery hallway today on my server (a PvE server). It was happening when we went into the instance, and still raging on when we came out.

I’ve played on both on Retail, but probably the majority of my time was spent on PvP servers. My general impressions are this:

  1. The only fun, mass battles I ever saw (and participated in) were, oddly, on PvE servers. Mass battles in Crossroads, mostly, but also city raids.
  2. By comparison, almost all the world PvP I ever encountered on PvP servers was what you’d call ganking. By this, I mean an attack where the attackers have an overwhelming advantage in terms of level or numbers or both. I never once saw or participated in or even heard rumour of a mass battle in all my time on PvP servers.
  3. My conclusion from this is that world PvP is usually better (or at least more fun) on a PvE server. I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but this has genuinely been my experience.
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Because they are…

I started out on Illidan at launch, but over the years have spent time on PVE servers as well. My guild (been with them for 20 years) is on Herod for Classic. We love us some PvP.

IMO people who bad mouth PVE players are just your typical childish internet tough guys. PVE servers, in WoW or any other game, provide a place for people to play that do not enjoy PvP. That’s OK and by no means says something negative about the type of player who choses to play on them. Ignore the internet tough guys…play where YOU want to play, how YOU want to play and you’ll be a lot happer in the long run.

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For someone that says it adds nothing to the experience, it seems to have changed your experience of the game a lot…

While PKing is obviously going to happen, permanent PvP mode also provide some good opportunity at social interaction. Since Classic ain’t retail, max level player can be killed by lower level player (say a twink) or a group of lower level. If that “??” player ran around the zone murdering low levels, you can hit up [/1 General] to try and get revenge with your fellow low level.

A group is made, a target is killed (or not), friendship are forged. Killing lower level is also a good way to have them bring their guildmates over, thus creating a full scale war in a zone. Don’t you have any fond memories of helping a fellow player against the enemy faction, saving them from certain doom?

PvP server are why I rolled a paladin again this time around. I had told myself that, knowing how paladin played from my experience in Vanilla, I wouldn’t make the same error and pick a class with two relatively ineffective spec. In the end, the opportunity to be a, well, paladin and save some poor fellow with a well timed Blessing/Heal/Stun/etc. made me roll one. You don’t have the same impact as some other class (sure, the warlock might kill the enemy, but the ally might have died in the meantime).

While I can get the “I don’t have much time, I merely want to quest for a bit before logging off”, why would you need to quest THAT much? Doing PvP, if you chose a PvP server, is part of the game. What does it matter in the end if you end up 60 two hours later, or even some days? You got there “late” because you played the game. If you say your friends are waiting for you at the top, well, they can come and help you instead of getting ahead by running dungeons while leaving you to fend for yourself.

The story of Warcraft is based around factions fighting each other. Why would you remove it entirely to “save” a few hours on your next level, which won’t even matter once you hit max?

I have had great world PvP encounters on PvE server, the main issue though is blue walling.

I only roll PVE (RP actually lol) because to quote the meme:

“Ain’t nobody got time for that”

I played some BGs back in the day, and that was fun, but the consistent waste of my time by a level 60 roflstomping my level 15 made me move on.

I do have to admit tho’ I probably freaked out some poor Hordies yesterday. They attacked the Wandering Ancient, and that flagged them, just as I was passing by… Naturally I start running towards them and hit stealth… I think they needed to change their loincloth of the whale after that… :slight_smile:

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Some of the best world pvp I’ve ever been in was on a pve server.

levelling on both… level for level.

Pretty much the same at low 20s, although the pvp server is slightly more exciting.

Im and old and tired though so excitement isnt always required nor desired.

Because they are over compensating for something else that is small I would assume.

It’d be nice if PvE servers worked similar to Warmode in that you can only toggle PvP on/off in major cities.

I attribute it to disappointment on their part that they can’t just mess with whoever they want on PvE servers or such a place exists. They’ll get over it.